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Trigger Warning: Rape/Mentions of Rape

This chapter may be skipped; I will provide a TLDR on the next chapter. 

He kissed me gently as his hands held my hips, pushing my back up against his closed bedroom door. I kissed him back but didn't apply any pressure as I was afraid of hurting him. He didn't complain, but moved his lips down to my jaw and neck, pressing soft kisses down until he reached my collarbone. His hands slid under my shirt, his scorching touch leaving a trail of heat as his hands moved up and brought my shirt with them.

My shirt was pulled up over my head and he hummed his satisfaction in my ear. Hands that were gliding up my sides suddenly found their way to my back before playing with the clasp of my bra. His lips left small, gentle kisses against my shoulder before moving back up to my neck. His tongue dipped out, tasting my skin and making me shiver.

My hands gripped onto his arms, fisting the fabric of his sweatshirt. When his tongue dipped into the hallow space of my collarbone in front of my neck, I titled my head back. My eyes closed as I enjoyed his work. His body pressed closer to me, pushing me flush against the door. His fingers worked on the clasp of my bra, unhooking the garment and pulling it away.

I opened my eyes to watch his reaction as he stripped the bra from my body. His eyes going slightly wide before hooding again.

"God, did I miss you." He murmured as his hands found my breasts and held them in his palms. His head dipped, his tongue abandoning my neck for my tits instead. I closed my eyes, pulling my lip between my teeth and fighting the smile that threatened to overtake my face. His tongue swirled around, pulling the small bud inside his mouth.

"Can we move—ah, to the bed?" I quivered, standing on already shaky legs. George pulled away from me, standing and smiling.

"Of course." In one swift motion, he lifted me, his hands gripping the backs of my thighs and holding me to his body. I squealed, holding on to the back of his neck as he walked us over to the bed. I placed a kiss on his forehead before he dropped me. I bounced as I landed on the mattress and he groaned.

"I need to see you bounce topless more often." Joji grinned, leaning over me and resuming his ministrations on my chest. I laughed, threading my fingers through his hair. It had gotten so long that it began curling in some places like the back the neck and around his ears, but I liked it.

"Ah, Joji." I sighed as he massaged me, taking handfuls of my breasts and palming them. His tongue swept up the valley between my breasts all the way up to my neck, making my back arch and a low whine escape from my throat.

"Fuck." He groaned in reply, bringing his lower half between my legs and pressing flush against me. I could feel him, hard and ready right up against where I needed him. He ground into me, his hands releasing a hold of my tits to wraps around my waist instead. He pulled me against him, holding me still as he thrust into me. We were both still clothed on our bottom halves but the feel of his hard cock in his pants against me drove me crazy.

"Please." I panted, clawing at his sweatshirt and trying to pull it up. He obliged, sitting back enough to pull the shirt up and off. My eyes immediately fixated on his lingering bruises scattered across his chest and stomach. The last time I saw them was in the hospital when they were large, purple and pink. They'd shrunk significantly and their color had improved, now looking pink and yellowish.

Still, the sight pained me.

He must have noticed as he picked my chin up and redirected my gaze to his gorgeous chocolate eyes.

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