Too Damn Filthy

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Sunbeams in my eyes forced me awake. Squinting, I rolled over, away from the ray of light and into his warm embrace. I couldn't resist getting a peek at him, glancing up with one eye open to capture the sight of Joji sleeping peacefully beside me. His onyx hair scattered out on the pillow beneath him like a halo of spilled ink. His chest rose and fell with his steady breaths, a quiet snore barely audible. I smiled, unable to withhold the glee that filled my heart at the sight of him in front of me.

We were both still naked from last night's activities; skin pressed against skin. It was hot under the covers, but I really didn't want to have to pull away. Waking someone so beautiful from their slumber should be a cardinal sin.

However, I couldn't ignore the urge to use the restroom, and that's what forced me to pull away from him. I tried hard to be quiet, removing my legs from the entanglement they were in with his, and scooting away.

Joji's brown eyes opened and his deep breathing ceased as he blinked at me, gaining consciousness. Sadness overcame me at the fact I'd woken him, while simultaneously replaced with excitement at getting to see his gorgeous eyes again. He squinted, raising his hand to shield his face from the light of the rising sun as it slithered across the bed.

"Happy birthday." I greeted him, leaning down to kiss the top of his head before I left the bed. George sat up slowly, looking down at himself and rubbing his eyes before he replied.

"Thank you." His voice was deep and gruff and sexy. I about melted at the sound, but I couldn't yet. I excused myself to the restroom where I did my business and splashed my face with some water. I looked in the mirror, examining my body. The flare of my hips, the curve of my waist, the ridge of my collarbone... all had been touched by Joji. I blushed, touching my lips with my fingertips and grinning at my reflection. My hair was a wreck, absolute chaos. I slept all night with unbrushed, chlorine filled hair—not to mention the friction my head received last night when I was rammed into the pillows over and over.

"Livvy?" George's voice called from the other side of the door, startling me. I turned away from the mirror, towards the door.


"I gotta... um, I gotta use the--" He mumbled behind the wood. I opened the door, coming face to face with him.

"Sorry, go ahead." I stepped aside, letting him in so I could slide out, closing the door behind me. I opened the closet across from the bathroom, pulling one of the hotel provided white robes from the rack and slipping my arms inside. Thank God for them, honestly, I didn't feel like putting my damp dress back on.

I tied the robe closed in the front and started picking up our belongings from the floor. My dress was still significantly wet when I lifted it up, leaving a small wet spot on the carpet. My next task was closing the windows, blocking out the blinding light that had woken me in the first place.

When the bathroom door opened, I held Joji's boxers out to him and he smiled gratefully.

"Thanks." He pulled them on behind me as I had turned away to give privacy. As if I hadn't already seen all of him last night. I sat on the edge of the bed, replaying last night over again in my head.

"What are you smiling at?" Joji laughed, coming to sit beside me. I bit back the smile, looking at him in the eyes and smiling even harder when I realized he was as well. I shook my head, covering my cheeks with my palms.

"Nothin." I countered, looking away before he got the chance to read it on my face. His hands ripped mine from my face, wrapping around my wrists and pulling them down.

"No, what is it?" He grinned excitedly, moving closer to my face. My head was facing as far away as it would go, but he climbed over my lap until I caught sight of him in my peripheral.

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