Earthly Comfort

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George's birthday was steadily approaching and he refused to tell me what he wanted I could give him.

"Just your presence is gift enough." He said, earning an eyeroll from me in return. He smirked at me, returning to his computer where he'd been making beats all morning. I was lying on his bed, browsing online for a gift for him on my phone but coming up with nothing. He was no help either, I quickly learned. I watched him for a moment as he sat at his desk in the corner of the room and fixated on the screen in front of him. He seemed to really enjoy working on his music, and although I didn't know him during his YouTube days, I'm glad to see that he's no longer doing something that made him so unhappy.

Every once in a while, he'd pull his headphones off and play a loop for me, asking for my opinion. Bright eyes, wide grin, excitement clear in his voice like kid on Christmas morning. Beautiful human, how you make my heart go wild.

I couldn't think of anything Joji had told me recently that he wanted that could be suitable for a birthday gift. I scrolled through my phone, mentally eliminating the choices, when the idea hit me. I left the tab I was on in favor of looking for a website that had what I needed and discovered the perfect gift for George. It wasn't much, but I think he would like it especially since it was technically something he told me he wanted a while back.

After I placed the order, I smiled to myself and dropped my phone to the bed. I turned my head to look at George as he worked on his music. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have met him. I don't know what I did to deserve this person in my life, and I would never really be able to ever pay him back for everything he'd done for me but I could at least try.

I sat up on the bed, tucking my legs beneath me and crawling to the end of the bed where I could be closer to George. He was working on the same program I always saw him on, Garageband, I believe. I watched him, trying to gather my nerves and summon the confidence that had overtaken me at the beach. I took a deep breath and slipped off the end of the bed. He still hadn't noticed me, too distracted by his work and the headphones he wore blocking out any noise I made.

I used it to my advantage as I got closer, bending over behind him to gaze at the screen over his shoulder. Luckily, he couldn't see my reflection as I pressed my lips to the side of his slender neck. His body stiffened briefly before relaxing and he pulled his headphones off.

"You scared me." He laughed, pushing back lightly from the desk. I moved quickly, not trusting myself to not completely wimp out and acting in the moment. I swept a leg over his and sat myself on his lap, facing him and attacked his neck again. I pressed kisses to his jugular and along his jaw, all the while scooting closer to him so that our bodies were flush against each other. His breath hitched and his body stiffened again but until he told me to stop, I would keep up my assault. My hands slid under his t-shirt, climbing over the skin of his stomach and chest. My nails lightly drug down his skin as I switched to the other side of his neck and flipped my hair out of the way.

He didn't say anything, he simply allowed me to appreciate him and settled his hands on my hips. His head tilted ever so subtly to grant me more access to his neck and I accepted gratefully, dragging my tongue up his neck from collarbone to jaw. He groaned quietly, his hands tightening on me. I felt myself flush at the sound, but for once it wasn't from embarrassment, I was turned on by the sounds he made.

I shifted closer again, getting as close as the computer chair would allow me, which honestly wasn't much. My hands left his shirt and moved to my favorite spot in his hair, gripping thick black locks between my fingers and bringing his face to mine. Our lips met without hesitation and moved eagerly, with purpose. My body was on fire, burning at his touch and begging to be quenched. His hands moved up my sides, under my tank top. I shivered as his hands continued, moving all the way up my body and taking my top with them until I pulled away from his kisses. I lifted my arms overhead, allowing him to pull my shirt off and was immediately brought back to his embrace. His warmth kept me comfortable, hands resuming their place on my back as he continued kissing me.

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