No Smoking

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Last night went relatively well after that. I took orders from a couple more tables, and a few people who were lounging on couches around the club. I didn't spill a single drink and earned about 40 bucks in tips which was fantastic for my first night. I had work again tonight, but until then I spent the morning in bed relaxing and taking small naps on and off. I'd got home at around 3am after a 7 hour shift and was exhausted. My arms hurt worse than anything else from carrying around a heavy tray covering in glasses and bottles all night. I woke up at 6:30 this morning by force of habit from my old work schedule and went right back to sleep until noon. I'd been lying in bed since then napping or snacking with Gavin beside me. We were watching some Netflix show when I got a call from Ethan.

"Hello?" I answered quietly, careful not to be louder than the TV. Ethan cleared his throat on the other end before speaking.

"Yeah, it's Ethan from Club 88. I just wanted to let you know you did a great job last night and I'm sure you'll be a great addition," He complimented me which made a large smile form on my face. He cleared his voice before speaking again. "Anyway, I wanted to check in and drop a tip for ya."

"Carry a lighter at all times?" I joked, remembering my conversation from last night with former baseball cap guy, now identified as Joji. I was still sure I would not be following that advice, even if it did come from Ethan.

"What? No, there's no smoking inside the club. We have a designated smoking area outside." Ethan grumbled. The new information almost made me laugh out loud but I held it in for my coworker's sake. I didn't need to be known as the new rat for snitching on anyone.

"Oh okay." Was all I replied in a steady voice, my gaze moving over to Gavin who was still encapsulated by the television.

"Right. Well, I was just gonna say that some of the fellas I got working can be wild, and as a server, I just ask that you don't encourage them by serving them alcohol while on the clock. I got Carter working the bar and I've already warned him several times but ya know, no one listens to me. Anyway, that's it. I promise you, its within your best interest to keep your coworkers sober."

I considered what he said after he said his goodbyes and wished me luck tonight. Who was it who was 'wild'? Surely not Ian, the nice bartender from last night. Niki, the topless waitress possibly...

"Who was that?" Gavin asked nonchalantly, his eyes never leaving the tv. I glanced at it as well, watching the woman on screen sob hysterically.

"My boss. He just called to say I did a great job and wish me luck tonight." I replied, snuggling deeper in the sheets and pulling the comforter up to my nose.

"Oh." He said in an uninterested manner, leaning back against the headboard and pulling the sheets up as well. I nodded at his reply, taking the television remote in my hand and turning the volume up.


I arrived at the club at 7:45, enthused to work my second day and hopefully make a bit more tips. Business was a bit slower tonight than yesterday but I suppose that was to be expected. There was a fair amount of people relaxing and dancing already so I would still have some work to attend to.

I stored my bag in locker 4 and adjusted my short shirt when Niki came in and smiled at me in a genuine way. I smiled back, taking note that she was wearing a tank top this time and not completely bare.

"Hey how ya doing?" She asked as she put in the combination to her locker, number 2, and pulled a water bottle from it. She was exceptionally attractive, I noticed and I felt insecure standing beside her. Her brunette hair was long and shiny and pulled back into a loose pony tail. She must have also been pretty good at makeup because her skin was flawless and smooth.

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