Feels Good Till It Doesn't

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My eyes opened to bright white light. I closed them again, groaning and wiggling closer to the overwhelming heat that enveloped me from behind. A soft sigh of satisfaction escaped me as I settled against a wall of heat and tugged harder at the warmth in front of me, pulling it closer wanting to be completely encased. I registered a weight on my head and my eyes opened again, peering at the white wall in front of me that was illuminated by blinding sunlight.

I inhaled deeply, blinking a few times and stretching my legs. I felt another pair of legs on entangled with my own. The wall in front of me came into focus and I saw a black haired boy crouched by water, looking away from the camera. I didn't recognize the boy or the photo and I blinked at it in confusion before my eyes moved down to Niki and Joji's familiar faces, smiling at me. The weight on my head shifted, rubbing against my hair and groaning quietly. I froze at the realization that I was in George's room. In his bed.

His arm wrapped tightly around me, his hand curling under my ribcage and pulling me tightly against his chest. His head shifted, resettling comfortably with his face pressed into the space between my neck and shoulder. His hot breath blowing down over my neck and collarbone and sending tingles racing down my spine. My free arm rose up behind me to splay my fingers out and scratch his scalp.

Joji moaned deeply right into my ear and the electricity in my body immediately turned into flames. My breath stopped at the sound, but my fingers didn't. I wanted to hear it again. My nails scraped lightly at his scalp. Locks of jet-black hair sliding between my fingers as I pushed from the front of his head to the back. I was rewarded again with another moan; not as loud but just as pleasure filled.

"Olivia." He groaned as his arm that was wrapped around me loosened and came to rest on my hip. I pulled my hand back with a laugh as removed his face from the crook of my neck and buried it in my hair instead. "What are you doing?" His muffled voice asked.

"Nothing." I replied, turning over so that I was on my back, looking up at him. His hand settled on the bed beside me. Joji peered at me from one eye, his iris catching the light and looking amber, like they were filled with honey. I reached over to touch the bag under his eye that sometimes looked dark or puffy, but today were hardly noticeable.

"Hi." I greeted him, my hand sliding down his cheek and over the tiny black hairs that grew along his jaw. He smiled that gorgeous grin of his and it made my heart pounded so wildly that I was sure he could feel it. I still couldn't believe what had happened last night but the fact that I was here right now with him was the only indicator that last night wasn't a dream. It felt so right, like I belonged here with him.

"Hi," He whispered in reply. His hand slid up my side and came to rest just below my ribs. "How did you sleep?" He asked as his fingers picked at the fabric of my shirt. I smiled.

"Great. You?" I rolled back to my side to face him and took his hand in mine. He yawned, facing away politely and stretched our conjoined hands over his head.

"Best I've slept in a while."

His yawn influenced my own and I shoved my face down into my arm as to not bother him with my morning breath, though judging by his kisses a minute ago, I doubted he minded much. When I turned back to him, he enveloped me in his arms, pressing my face against his chest. He hummed, burying his face in my hair once again and sighing.

"We should just stay here all day." He mumbled, kissing my forehead. My heart raced. I wanted to say yes because so far every suggestion he'd made had been a good one, but I knew I couldn't, so stayed silent. We laid there for a little while, in each other's arms, before a knock resonated at the door.

"Are you cunts decent in there?" Ian called from the other side, rasping on the door three times before waiting for a reply. I sat up, leaving Joji's arms.

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