Digging Through the Scars

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Niki was bouncing in her seat over breakfast that morning. Joji and I sat at the small table together in Niki's dining room, eating normally as we watched our friend buzz with excitement and anxiety.

"Chill out, just eat." He grumped at her, taking a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. Niki rolled her eyes, holding her stomach tight with one arm.

"I can't, I'm afraid I'm gonna throw up again from the nerves!" She whined, pushing her bowl away from her. When we returned home from the Niagara trip, George had gotten a call back from Sean to let him know that his and Niki's audition had been scheduled for the following day, leaving no time for rehearsals or practice as the investors were apparently flying in from the UK and had little time to waste.

A shrill ringing caught her attention as it came from her bedroom and she gave us a nervous look before running to grab it. When she left, George sighed, dropping his spoon into the bowl with a clatter.

"She's freaking me out." He complained, eyeing the hallway that she had just disappeared down. I rubbed my hand down his arm, hoping the gesture was soothing to him in any way.

"Don't worry about it, you'll both do great." I assured, feeling confident in my words. He gave me a halfhearted smile in return, like he didn't fully believe me but appreciated my attempt anyway. Niki came back into the room and began pacing in front of us, breathing rapidly like she was going into labor. George glared at her.

"Nik, why don't you try to relax?" I asked her, standing from my seat to grab her. I led her out of the room and into the living room instead, where I sat her on the couch. "Let's talk about it, yeah? That'll probably make you feel better." I suggested. Niki nodded, huffing rapidly. I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"First, breathe." I took a deep breath in, making direct eye contact with her as she copied me. I held the breath for a minute before exhaling and letting my shoulders fall into a relaxed position. Niki did the same, letting out a gush of air and visibly relaxing her shoulders. I let my arms fall from her petite frame.

"Alright. Do you feel prepared?" I asked her just as Joji stepped out of the dining room and strode past us, catching my eye for a minute before he disappeared into the kitchen with all 3 of our bowls.

"I don't know! I think so... maybe?" She whimpered, clasping her hands together.

"What are you going to sing?" I asked her, pulling my legs up on the couch with me. She bit her lip and looked past me, out the window.

"Something I wrote a couple years ago." She admitted, looking lost in thought now. A good start. At least she wasn't freaking out anymore. I nodded.

"Do you know what you're wearing?"

Niki's eyes caught me again and she smiled lightly.

"Yeah, this super fucking cute two piece patterned outfit." She answered excitedly. I smiled at her in return.

"So, then what's the problem?" I countered, watching her face drop back into one of distress. She sighed, leaning her head against the couch and looking up at me.

"I'm scared I won't be good enough." She whispered too low for anyone but me to hear. Joji stepped out of the kitchen out of the corner of my eye, but I paid him no mind for now.

"If they don't sign you, Niki, then they are the ones missing out. I've heard you sing and you sound like an angel." I looked her in the eyes the entire time to make sure she knew I wasn't bullshitting her. I picked up her hands in mind and held them up in the air.

"Look at you! Are you kidding me? You're talented, hot, and smart. You're the next Douglas Bubbletrousers!"

"Really?" She perked up, a smile forming quickly on her lips. I set her hands back down on her lap and pulled her body towards mine for a hug.

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