Mr. Miyashiro

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"Ariana Grande." He admitted as he played with my fingers. I tilted my head, getting a good look at his face and fixing him with an odd look.

"Really?" I asked, shaking my head and looking back up where the sunlight scattered across the ceiling. He stopped fiddling with my hands to glare at me.

"What? You fuckin asked." He turned back; his head rubbing against mine. I giggled from my side of the pillow that we shared. We were in his room again, picking up our game of 20 questions before work. I found myself here every day this week, spending all my time with George and our friends. It was complete heaven on Earth just being in his company.

It had been a few days since my argument with Gavin and we were completely avoiding each other. Not that I minded, of course, but it left everything between us up in the air. The closer Joji and I became, the farther Gavin and I grew apart. The choice had never been clearer. Maybe I was just making excuses for myself, but I was scared to take the leap and move out. Leaving it all behind and starting fresh was scary, okay?

Joji, as generous and sweet as he was, didn't pressure me. It had only been a week since our first kiss and we were still getting to know each other, but the elephant never left the room. When he kissed me, the question lingered.

When are you going to leave him?

Or I was being paranoid as always. Joji never said anything, Ian didn't say anything again after the first time, and Niki was just happy that all of her 'hard work' had come to fruition. I tried not to think about it now, not when he was right here next to me.

"Yours?" He asked as two of his fingers walked up my hand. I hummed, thinking and coming up with nothing, so I shrugged.

"I never really had one." I yawned, flipping my hand over as it lie on his chest and allowing him to walk his fingers over my skin.

"Yes you do, everyone has one." He challenged me, flattening his hand out on top of mine. I sighed, closing my eyes and shaking my head side to side, bumping into his skull.

"Ugh, I don't know," I groaned, opening my eyes when the image of someone's face popped into my mind and I laughed to myself. "Well...there is one person."

Joji nodded, waving his hand in the air for me to continue. I tried to hide suppress my smile and be as serious as possible while I answered.

"I mean, Frank is pretty hot..." I trailed off. Not a second later, Joji laughed loudly, throwing his head back into the pillow and clutching at his stomach. I turned my head to watch him laugh, a grin spreading across my face at his joy. I love his smile so much.

His chuckles calmed down a little and he sat up and clearing his throat a few times.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking over me from above, his black hair hanging down over his forehead. I nodded, not bothering to hide my smile any longer. He moved over me, hovering directly above my face and bracing himself against the sides of my body.

"Listen, if that's what it takes..." His cleared his throat again, and began speaking in the gruff, Frank voice that he used in his videos. "I'm game, baby."

"Ew, no!" I squealed, turning over and shoving my face into the pillow. He grabbed me by my wrists, flipping me back over to face him and dipped his face down to mine, making that weird, scrunched face.

"What's wrong? You don't want me to slurp up that li-?"

"George." I whined, struggling against his hands that gripped my wrists. He laughed, letting go of me and dropped his elbows to the sides of my head. His head dipped low, his nose skimming mine gently. I smile, closing my eyes and raising my head the tiniest bit as I anticipated his lips.

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