You're Such a Dream

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After a 20 minute ride full of polite conversation, we arrived.

George stepped out first, telling me to wait in the car and I obeyed. He rounded the car and pulled open the trunk before walking away, out into the darkness. I still had no idea where we were or if I was about to be murderer but at this point, I wouldn't have minded, honestly. I was in my pajamas still, a thin cotton robe, a baggy blue t shirt that barely stayed on both of my shoulders, gray sweatpants, and an old pair of white sneakers. I hadn't expected for Joji to whisk me away from the apartment so I wasn't dressed properly to be outside.

Minutes later, the passenger door opened and Joji stood aside, holding it open for me. I smiled gratefully at him and left my roses on the dashboard before exiting the car.

"Where are we?" I asked, pulling the robe closed and wrapping my arms around my body. George chuckled, walking beside me as he led me away from the car and onto a path. We walked down the pavement together until lights came through from behind trees. The New York city skyline opened up in front of us, shining brilliantly. My footsteps faltered a bit at the sight, but Joji continued on, walking towards a row of benches on the concrete that faced the river. They went on along the riverfront, illuminated by light posts. George began pulling stuff out of plastic bags that were sitting on the bench and waved me over. My feet complied, slowly moving to go sit with him.

"I didn't know what you like but I figure everyone likes pizza." Joji said, pulling open the lid of the pizza box that sat between us. I was stunned at the setup; staring at the small picnic he provided and the beautiful location he chose to have it. My heart erupted like I knew it would someday by consequence of being near him; I just didn't know it would be so soon. Butterflies burst free, filling my stomach and chest with warms and flutterings. I had never in my life, and I do mean never, felt such intensity before, nor had I ever been treated like this.

"You did this for me?" I was nearly on the verge of tears from the emotions that flourished inside me. He looked timid as a smile pulled up on one side of his mouth as he ran a hand through his messy black hair.

"Yeah. I uh, figured you could use it after the shitty week you had." He shrugged like it was nothing. I closed the pizza box to lean over and wrap my arms around his waist, holding him tight.

"Thank you." My voice was barely above a whisper, so low I wasn't sure he even heard it. He let me hold him, even rubbing my back in soothing circular motions with his thumbs. My eyes closed as I struggled to savor the moment. Everything from the sounds of the riverfront to the heat of the pizza box on my stomach. I took a deep breath and pulled away, feeling more than a little embarrassed at having embraced him so brazenly... though I'm sure he'd be used to it by now.

We sat facing the East river that separated Brooklyn from New York and watched as a ferry sailed by. George opened the pizza box again and offered me a slice. I accepted gratefully, taking a bite and watching him lift a slice for himself. Before he could take a bite, the cheese slid clean off the bread and landed with a splat on the concrete below us.

I laughed out loud and covered my mouth so I wouldn't spit food out. Joji look dumbfounded, looking at the cheese and pepperoni that covered the floor. His face was so cute I wanted to take a picture so I could remember it forever. He turned to me, watching me laughing at him and let out a laugh of his own.

A tiny bird came out flying down, hopping under the bench we were sitting on and creeped closer to the pizza on the floor. George moved his foot away from the mess and the little bird came hopping closer. George picked up a fresh slice and took a bite while he watched the bird and chuckled. I hadn't taken more than a couple of bites as I was watching him.

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