Famous Last Words

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George...Joji...baseball cap guy...was bobbing his head to the music playing around us before I tapped on his shoulder. He looked over for a second before pulling his headphones off and turning to face me fully. I held my tray up to him, the beer on it catching his attention.

"Thanks!" He yelled over the music, grabbing the bottle and breaking the top off over the desk of his booth. I pulled the tray back down to my front, holding it over my exposed stomach. I know I should have gone back to work and left him alone, then, but I found myself wanting to keep the conversation going so I stood there awkwardly, racking my brain for something to say to him. He watched me for a second as he took a sip of his drink. I should just leave.

"How do you like working here?" He broke the tension first, burying his left hand in the pocket of his black hoodie. His other hand held the beer bottle loosely, swirling it around in small circles. I perked up a bit at his question, thankful he had started the conversation so I didn't have to.

"I like it," I raised my voice over the music, glancing around at the people dancing on the floor. "I met Chad and Max today." I said for a reason beyond me. He raised his thick brows at my statement.

"Oh yeah? I'm sorry." He gave a crooked smile from one side of his mouth and took another sip of his beer. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me because surely he knew how brash they were.

"That's alright." I grinned.

In the background, the music was fading to an end which made George turn away from me for a second to click some buttons on his laptop and push some blinking buttons on the sound board in front of him. A new song started, heavy on the bass but slow in intensity. He turned back to me again, stepping down from the platform to stand in front of me. I noticed that he actually wasn't that much taller than me. My face was about even with his neck, I noted.

"Wanna chill for a minute?" He asked, moving a little past me towards a couch by the wall. I really shouldn't be sitting right now; I had literally just started my shift. A quick look behind me at the tables in the distance made me believe there was no rush as everyone had drinks and was either talking or laughing. So, in an effort to get to know my new coworker, I accepted his invitation.

I followed him towards a small black loveseat that looked just big enough to fit two. Behind it on the wall was a large pink neon sign that read "88". It was extremely bright and completely washed over Joji as he sat underneath it. I sat beside him, placing my tray on my lap and adjusting my top again. He busied himself by pulling the same pack of cigarettes as yesterday out from his hoodie pockets and picking a single cigarette from it. He looked up as he offered me the open box but I grimaced and shook my head. He smiled and stashed it again before he began feeling his pockets presumably looking for a lighter.

"Did you ever take my advice about that lighter?" He mumbled around the white stick in his mouth. It was much easier to hear him thanks to the mellow melody of the music. He finally fished a lighter out of his front pocket after some struggle and lit up his cigarette.

"No and I'm not going to." I announced, watching the puff of smoke disperse before him. He played with the lighter in his hand, rolling it in one palm over and over again.

"Why not?" Joji laughed, looking over at the crowd as he sucked in another hit from his cigarette. The stench of it made my nose wrinkle.

"I don't think it's good to encourage people to smoke." I replied honestly, my hands gripping the rim of the round tray in my lap. Beside me, Joji nodded... or maybe his head was bobbing with the music...to be honest I couldn't really tell.

"You serve alcohol to people that kills their liver. Is there really any difference?" He challenged me. A bright red dot illuminated the tip of his smoke as he inhaled. I couldn't argue with his logic because he wasn't wrong so I didn't try. I shook my head no in response to his question. The bright lights of the neon above us painted the left side of his face pink while the lights of the dance floor cast green over his right profile.

"You know I heard there was no smoking in here." I teased. He laughed, his eyes wrinkling in the corners.

"Says who?" He teased back, bobbing the cig between his lips as he spoke. I tried to think of something further to say so I could keep the conversation going and avoid coming off awkward.

"I like this music." I commented to the man beside me. He perked up upon hearing this, pulling his cigarette and blowing smoke away from me, which I appreciated.

"Yeah?" He asked. I nodded, listening to the music playing overhead and enjoying the softly sung words mixed with the harsh beat. He didn't say anything for a minute as I assumed he was listening to the music as well. "It's mine." He commented casually.

"What do you mean yours?"

"I mean I made it. Like made the beat, sang the song, produced it and shit." He laughed again, pocketing the lighter in his left hand to run through his onyx hair, pushing it back only for it to fall right back into its original position again. I leaned forward over the tray in my lap to look at his face.

"Really? You made this? It's so good." I listened more closely to the song again trying to see if I could recognize Joji's voice. Unfortunately, however, there were no more lyrics, only the beat left as the song came to an end and a familiar rap song began to play. The lights shifted again to a deep cerulean blue.

"Do you have more songs?" I asked, watching his face shift with the colors again. He smiled lightly at me before smoking from his cigarette again and looking down at his shoes. He nodded. I was happy to find a solid talking point with him.

"Yeah, a few." He laughed to himself as if laughing at his own private little joke. I pressed on, regardless.

"If they're as good as that last one, I'd like to hear them sometime." I proposed quietly, hoping I wasn't overstepping by making the suggestion. He scratched his messy hair before looking back over to me.

"I play them sometimes in between songs just to get a feel of how people like them," He mused "but sure. I'll play them for you sometime."

I smiled gratefully, excited to have potentially made a new friend. I didn't currently have many...or any friends. I made a few good acquaintances back at the coffee shop but Gavin didn't like having anyone at our apartment or anyone texting me 'at all hours' so any potential friendships quickly fizzled out. He'd said the girls from the shop were drama and I shouldn't get myself involved with them, so it was for my benefit. Who would want to be wrapped up in drama anyway?

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I saw Joji shift from the corner of my eye. I turned my head to watch him crudely dig the tip of his cigarette in the dirt of the potted plant beside the couch, putting it out and leaving it there. I grimaced what I'd just witnessed and was about to say something when I heard him sigh deeply.

"Well..." He hummed out loud as he stood up and stretched his arms over his head. I sat up, pulling the front of my shirt down for the 3rd time tonight, I'm pretty sure. Joji caught my actions and I caught a slight grimace on his face before he offered me his hand. I looked up at him, asking silently if he was sure but received no response from his eyes. No impatience or uncertainty, just kindness. I'd never had so many strangers be so kind to me in the space of a few days, especially living here in Brooklyn.

I accepted his hand gratefully, letting him pull me up from the couch with ease. I quickly adjusted my clothing again, pulling the bottom of my shorts down to cover the tops of my thighs and my shirt, of course. Joji touched my right arm to get my attention.

"I'm gonna get back to work. You should too before Niki beats your ass." He joked, letting go of my arm and making his way back up to his booth. I laughed, pulling my tray up under my arm as I made my way to the bar. I got a good vibe from Joji, he seemed chill and always willing to help. I hoped we could become good friends soon. 

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