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"How did the lap dance go?" Ian questioned as we returned to the table. Max snored quietly beside him, his face pressed against the table and a small puddle of drool pooled beneath his open mouth. I glanced at George, curious if he'd say anything and he seemed to think the same of me as he eyed me from the side.

"Weird." I answered first, taking a seat and scooting in so Joji could slid in next to me. He nodded in agreement, his lips quivering in the corners as he fought back the smile that threatened to overtake his face.

"Great," Joji added, looking at Ian excitedly. "Thank you so much."

Ian's face registered confusion for brief moment before smiled and nodded at George.

"Glad to hear that, man. Happy birthday." Ian took another sip of his half empty beer as the conversation ended and he looked away, towards the stage. I spotted Niki sitting in an armchair in the corner, speaking with 3 dancers and gushing excitedly.

"Get a load of fat cunt over there." Ian laughed, putting his glass down and wiping the beer that spilled from his lips from smiling. My eyes followed Ian's pointed finger towards a leather chair beside one of the smaller stages where Chad puffed on a cigar as he watched a topless stripper shake her ass in front of him. I covered my mouth to hide my giggle at the sight.

Joji and Ian laughed too loudly which roused Max awake for a minute. His tired eyes opened, glaring at the boys before he yawned and dropped his head back down to the table.

When we left the strip club an hour or so later, we all packed into the back of an Uber on the way to the hotel. A vomit covered Chad carried Max through the lobby and over to the elevators when I pulled Joji aside. We were already trailing behind the pack and everyone was speaking so loudly that I hardly think they noticed when we went missing. I pulled his hand down the hall, past the reception area and gym until I spotted what I was looking for: the hotel pool.

The pool had closed nearly 5 hours ago but the door was unlocked when I twisted the handle.

"What are you doing?" George looked around as I slid around the door. I shushed him, tugging on his hand. He stepped inside looking up at the full white moon above us.

The door had led to a fenced in, outdoor pool area, complete with plastic lounging chairs and umbrellas. I used the fence as leverage while I peeled my shoes off and threw them onto the nearest lounger. One of them fell from the chair, clacking again the concrete and making me wince.

"You're not-" He murmured as he watched me. I stepped away from him, towards the dark water of the pool and shrugged my shoulders.

My hands gripped the metal ladder that led into the murky water and looked back over at him in question. His hands pat around against his pockets, pulling out his phone, hotel key, and wallet and placing them on the lounger beside my heels.

"You're crazy." Joji shook his head as he slipped his feet out of his black sneakers and pulled off his jacket. There he stood, half concealed by the shadows in a t-shirt and jeans. His face and hair painted in moonlight.

"Probably." I grinned in reply, waiting for him to come closer.

He strode toward the edge of the pool, taking my hand in his. I tried hard to ignore the butterflies that bounced around with the way he looked at me. The pitch-black water served as a dark mirror, casting our reflections back at us. Two human figures, holding hands and staring straight back at us. Moonlight scattered across the rippled surface like floating white flower petals.

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