Calm Before the Storm

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"We shouldn't be doing this, Joji." I tried to reason, but my words held no weight. His grip on my waist tightened, pulling my body down to his so I was now straddling his hips. He gave a pleased smile as he pulled the straps of my top down my shoulders.
"You're mine, remember?" He mumbled, sitting up just enough to scatter hot kisses on my neck and I knew I was done for.

I let him pull me down to the bed against my better judgement and indulged in the pleasure his lips brought me as they met my collarbone. I gasped when his hands moved to my waist and his hands moved up, taking the bottom of my tank top with them.

"This is wrong." My voice was muffled by his when our lips found each other again. I felt the touch of his tongue as it slid across my bottom lip, teasing me. He knew what we were doing was fucked up, but I think that's what he liked about it. I could feel him from where I was sitting on his lap; he was pressed flush against me and I ached for him.

"Mhm." His tongue plunged into my mouth when I parted my lips for him, granting him permission to deepen our kiss. He tasted so fucking good it made my head spin. I would never get enough of the taste of George Miller.

His hands finally met my bra and he played with the clasps, hooking them under his fingers but not daring to undo them. My hands fisted on his stomach, gathering the fabric of his t-shirt between my fingers as our kisses grew more heated. His tongue was sliding against mine, tasting me, drinking me in, and I did the same to him.

I moaned into his mouth when my hips shifted against his hardness and pleasure shot through me from the bottom up. I had meant to only tease him but I ended up teasing myself.

Joji groaned, his hands abandoning my back and returning to my hips where he dug his fingers into my flesh. He held me tight as he slid my hips against him, allowing me to feel everything he had to offer.

"Fuck." He hissed, closing his eyes. My entire body went up in flames as my desire for him grew but I forced myself to end this. As badly as I wanted to continue, we were here for a reason and wouldn't have long before Gavin returned. I grabbed Joji's wrists, pulling them from my waist and pushing them down beside his head. I leaned over his body and met him with a smoldering kiss before pulling back completely.

"We need to hurry up, there's not much time left." I reminded him with a smirk. His hair was disheveled against my pillow as he gazed up at me and pulled his mouth into a wicked grin. His mouth was pink from all of the attention I'd just paid him and I briefly worried if it would be obvious what we'd done here if we were caught.

"Would you like to continue this in my bed?" He grinned as he tried to run his hands up my body again.

"Maybe." I laughed, climbing off of his lap and stepping down from the bed. "Let's get out of here first."

I readjusted my top and tried not to notice as he readjusted himself in his pants before standing up. We had packed a good portion of my things already including my clothing, toiletries, personal paperwork, and photos. All that was left really were whatever random belongings I had around my old apartment like my peace lily and....

I opened the drawer of the nightstand beside my bed and dug through junk like cords and cough drops before I found what I was looking for.

"What's that?" Joji asked from behind me, leaning his head over my shoulder as I held the book in my hands. I answered by opening the book from the back and letting every page fly past until it stopped on the bookmarked page. The thing I was looking for wasn't the random book in my hands, no, it was the bookmark itself. Or to be more specific, the photo strip that held images of George and I from the arcade at Max's birthday. I stared at his face in the picture now like I did sometimes at night while I pretended to be reading.

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