Part 1

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"Yare Yare" Jotaro grunted out loud as he stared at his grandfather.

Jotaro, Joseph, Suzy Q, and Holly were out eating at a restaurant. All while Joseph was jabbering to the poor employee demanding to speak to the manager.

"You bring me your goddamn manager or else i'll connect my goddamn fist to your mouth! Got it?" Joseph yelled as he pushed the employee out of his way.

"Y-yes sir. Right a-away" Cried out the poor employee in fear as he scurried away towards the back to the restaurant.

Joseph scoffed in victory and sat back down with his family. Everyone stared at him in disbelief but Joseph just gave them a sheepish grin.

"But papa, it was alright if they added more olives to my dish! I didn't mind! Seriously!" Said Holly as she hid her face with embarrassment with the palm of her hand. Joseph just ignored her and began eating his food.

"Why Joseph, you've been a bit more grumpier these past few days. Is everything alright?" asked Jotaro's grandmother in a worry some tone, showing concern towards her husband of years.

"She's got a point old man. You've been a jerk these past few days. You've been really hot headed." Jotaro sighed. as he started fiddling with his food. He always thought American food was just fat and nothing else but fat.

"I'm fine. I swear!" Joseph yelled in annoyance. Joseph then turned to look at Jotaro with a worried look, he then started signaling that something was up all while the girls were focused on something else. Jotaro nodded in confusion as he continued to play with his food.

"Yes sir? you wanted to talk with me?"

The group turned their backs around and all set their eyes on a tall, really buffed man with scarlet colored hair, who was looking down at each one of them, carefully eyeing every little movement that each of the members of the group made.

Joseph adjusted his hat and pointed to his daughters dish. "You see this dish right here? Way too many olives. we only asked for a few olives. Not a whole party of them!"

The man scoffed and let out a laugh, which caused Joseph to become even more irritated then before. "What are you laughing at?" He groaned out loud, grabbing a nearby fork and crushing it with his artificial hand.

"Oh nothing sir. My bad. May I see your dish miss?" The manager chuckled as he turned to look at Holly, ignoring Joseph's little display. Holly was red in the face with embarrassment as she slowly handed the dish to the manager.

The manager started carefully inspecting the dish and let out another big laugh. All of a sudden, he started to slowly dump the dish all over Joseph's clothes, causing him to yell in pain as the hot liquid ran down his body.

"Oh fuck me!" Joseph yelled as he started jumping and running around the restaurant. Everyone in the restaurant's eyes were now focused on Joseph's frantic movements.

"See Mr. Joestar, we have a term for people who decide to call the manager for dumb and stupid reasons. We call them Karens! No one likes a Karen" The manager said as he started to slowly walk away.

Joseph was fuming with anger and decided to let out his stand, hermit purple and wrap the managers body with his vines.

This caused Jotaro and Holly to stare and Joseph with shocked faces. Suzi Q just stared at both of them in confusion, then turning back to look at her husband. Jotaro quickly got up from his seat and ran after Joseph, who was squeezing his stand even tighter, the manager groaning out in pain.

"Old man, what the fuck do you think you're doing? Don't attack that man just yet. He deserves every bit of it right now but you've brought out an audience. We can attack him later. We have to leave. Mom, grandma, we're leaving," Jotaro yelled out in annoyance as he went back towards Holly and his grandmother, dragging them towards the exit.

As Jotaro was taking them out towards the exit, he heard laughter coming from behind him, then a chilling feeling was crawling against his back.

"I knew it..." Joseph cried as his eyes were wide open with shock. Sweat beads started to slowly run down his face as he looked at the sight that laid in front of him.

"What is it old man?" Jotaro asked in confusion. He turned around only to find that the manager started to slowly cut each of Joseph's individual vines with an invisible source, only showing itself every once in a while.

"He's an enemy stand user," Joseph mumbled under his breath as he laid eyes upon the man standing in front of him, a smirk forming on his face as he took in the sight of Joseph's terrified expression.


Alright, bare with me on this one... This may not be your ordinary Jotakak story, as you can clearly see, but I promise you all we'll all get to that point. I wanted to continue the action aspect of the series, and I wanted to try something different from the other Jotakak fanfics that I've read on this site. Wanted to "spice it up a bit". Please me patient with me, I'll try and take my time with the story plot that I want this story to head towards. One thing I will promise you is that Jotakak will be the main premise of this fanfiction.

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