Part 6

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"What did you just say?" Both Joestars yelled as they turned to look at Polnareff with desperation in their eyes.

"You both heard me right. We can try and convince one of the enemy stands to help us bring them back. I encountered this man when I was traveling around not to long ago. His name was Aramis Nachman. He attacked me, said he recognized me as one of the fellow men who defeated Dio. Said he could take me out, and before I knew it... my dear sister was there. I swear. The real her was there, not like the fake we met at Avdol's island. It was her. Genuinely her. I remember running up to her. Her touch, it was my sister alright. But the stand user... he used her against me. He knew my weakness. He took that as a chance to stab me in the back. That's why I have this scar in my back. Look." Polnareff spoke with true sorrow in his voice as he turned around and showed us this nasty looking scar mark.

"Carry on Polnareff," Joseph said.

"Well, my sister tried to stop him. I tried to stop her from going any closer to me, I wanted her to stay back and save herself while she was still alive... but no... she tried to be the hero in this case. Tried to save me... do you know how sick and tired I am with people saving me? That's how Avdol and Iggy died... trying to save my goddamn back..." and now I lost my sister once again... AGAIN GODDAMN IT!" Polnareff yelled as tears started to fall off of his face.

"He killed her in front of my very eyes. His evil red eyes staring deep into my soul. A smile creeped into his face... then there laid my sister... on the floor. Bleeding to death. Her eyes... so lifeless... the last thing she told me was to go... to go and leave her and try to be happy." He sighed, wiping his tears with his hand.

"That bastard didn't give up however. I was weak, but I felt so much rage. He used that against me too. He knew how to trick his opponents. We had a fight, his stand could revive people close to his opponent... flash images into their minds by stabbing them in their back, marking his curse. Then he'd pretend to be those people you know... so you wouldn't attack him... then give you a beating, still in character. He was powerful alright. But I managed to get out. I couldn't kill an image of my sister." He let out, clenching his fists with anger.

"How do you think we'll convince Aramis to give us what we want?" Joseph asked with concern in his eyes. Jotaro stood up and headed to the door.

"I don't care how we do it but I know we will. It is now my mission to beat the shit out of that Aramis man until he brings back Kakyoin. I won't let him get away without doing so. He's gonna bring him back. He's gonna bring everyone back." He said stomping off and out the house with anger in his eyes.

"Jotaro! Come back! We don't even know where to find that man!" Joseph yelled following after Jotaro. Polnareff looked at the two men and sighed.

"Just like Jotaro would say... Yare yare daze," He said while shaking his head.


Really sorry this was a rather shorter chapter. Next chapter will be better, I hope so anyways lmao.

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