Part 16

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"Alright old man, go for it," Jotaro mumbled. Everyone was back at the house and were currently in Joseph's room. Joseph slammed his hand on top of another polaroid camera and out came a picture.

"God I'm gonna break my hand if we continue doing it like this," Joseph winced. Everyone ignored him and placed all their attention on the picture. Ahe was the first to grab it and analyzed it with her eyes.

"Seems to be a girl this time. She looks hot. Take a look," She said as she handed the picture to Joseph. He took it and took a look. "Indeed, She also seems to have short blonde hair, and... hmm... am I seeing this correctly or does she... seem to be outside of Polnareff's house?" Asked Joseph once he showed the entire group the picture. Everyone took a closer look at the picture and sure enough, the background was indeed Polnareff's house.

"Wait what? Outside of my house? How did she find us? How does she know we're after her?" Polnareff freaked out as he looked at the picture.

Suddenly, they all heard a very high pitched scream piercing their ears. Everyone groaned in pain as their ears took in the blaring of the scream. All of a sudden, the sound of a shattered window erupted throughout the house. Soon enough, every window insight was starting to shatter. "Everyone, get down!" Yelled Polnareff as he covered everyone with his back as the rooms window shattered. Polnareff groaned in pain as the small shards of glass sunk deep into his skin.

"Polnareff! Are you alright?" Jotaro yelled. He started to check up on his friend. Small trickles of blood began to fall off of his back. "I'm fine, they're just small cuts, nothing big," Polnareff winced as he got up. Everyone got up as well and turned to look at the window. The women was leaning over at them and chuckled with an evil smirk.

"I heard you four are trying to find Aramis, I can't let that happen though, he specifically ordered me to stop you before you lay a finger on him," She sneered with a cold look in her sharp hazel eyes. Ahe quietly released her sneaky stand and sent Honey Lavender behind the women without causing a single noise. Everyone gave her a look of confusion and she just gave them a reassuring one. Honey Lavender traveled behind her and pulled out a dagger. As soon as Honey Lavender brought the dagger above the women's back, the women turned her head around and pulled out her stand. It was a bird like creature with sharp yellow feathers sticking out everywhere.

Everyone stared in shock once the women caught sight of Honey Lavender since it was one of the quietest and sneakiest stands out there.

"Rains Song!" She yelled as her stand held Honey Lavender in a choke hold position. Finger prints started appearing on Ahe's neck as she was slowly hovering above the ground. It seemed like she couldn't breath in the way she was being held.

"So it was you that decided to sneak up on me," She said as she turned to look at Honey Lavender. Ahe gave her a look of aggression and pulled out a few daggers and launched them straight towards Rains Song's user. The bird like stand managed to counter back the attack and throw them back at the group, landing one on each member, however, one did manage to give the women a hit. Blood started to slowly trickle down her leg.

"Shit," each member let out as the daggers pierced their skin.

"Ive had enough of this, Silver Chariot!" Yelled Polnareff while pulling out the dagger and throwing it up. Star Platinum caught it and threw it at the stand user with such speed. The women didn't even realize it going right through her arm and didn't have time to block the attack. Polnareff ran towards the women and let out Silver Chariot, piercing her skin with his sword. Joseph let out Hermit Purple and wrapped itself on Rains Song's arm, squeaking it until it let go of Honey Lavender. Once Ahe was able to regain her breath, she marched towards the women.

"Look lady, you got the looks but just because you're hot doesn't mean i'm gonna beat the shit out of you," She hissed as she made Honey Lavender land a multiple blows to the women's head. The women fell back in surprise and took out the dagger that was in her arm. She handed it to Rains Song and the bird started to duplicate the dagger.

"She can duplicate things? What the hell," Jotaro barked. Rains Song made up to at least ten daggers and put them in between each of its feathers.

"Birds Cry!" She yelled and Rains Song let out another screeching cry, causing the rest of the crusaders to become partially deaf. They all fell to the ground in pain. Then, just like a porcupine, Rains Song shot out the feathery daggers and they all landed on each of the members, except for Jotaro. Jotaro managed to dodge each dagger and instead of blocking them, he collected them.

"Remember how I managed to hit your arm? Truth is, I was actually aiming for your head. But believe me when I say I won't miss twice." He smirked as Star Platinum threw each dagger with incredible speed. One dagger hit her left hand, another hit her right, and the next hit the middle of her head.

She stood there with a face full of shock. "B-but how," She whimpered as she fell to the ground, deceased at last.

"Geez Jotaro, do you always have to show off?" Polnareff grumbled. He started to take each dagger that managed to hit him out slowly.

"That's my grandson," Joseph smiled.

Everyone started walking back inside of the house and Polnareff cried himself to sleep that night, knowing he had to repair each of his windows with the little money the frenchman had.


AHHH 2k??? Already??? I barely hit 1k. Thanks dudes and dudettes. 🥺. Also, it's gonna get juicy next chapter... There's only 1 stand user left...

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