Part 21

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"We... did it," Polnareff panted and coughed as he tried regaining the breath that he had lost.

Everyone looked down at the man who was now on the filthy ground, covered in his own scarlet red blood. His body was now soaked in it, becoming drier and drier with each minute that passed by. Pebbles now on top of him.

Ahe breathed with such strength as she looked at his dead body. She couldn't believe it, the man who had taken the lives of her mothers was now gone. He was dead.

She threw the sharp blade on the floor next to her and shed the tears she's been holding in for so long. Everyone else looked at her and ran closer to her. She quietly shoved them away with a flick of her hand and they stopped in their tracks.

"Please leave me alone, I- I need to deal with this alone..." She sobbed while wiping the teardrops away from her broken face.

Everyone gave her a nod in understandment and turned to look at their friends. Their unconscious bodies laid down on the ground in a peaceful stage now.

Joseph walked towards Caesar and broke in tears when he finally had the time to collect his emotions and understand that the sight in front of him was real.

Polnareff gleefully smiled as he sat next to Avdol and laid Iggy slowly on his lap, quietly stroking him.

Jotaro fell to his knees and brought Kakyoin close to his body. He wrapped him around his arms and placed his chin on top of his cherry red hair. He closed his eyes and let time slowly pass by as Kakyoin laid in his arms, unharmed and safe.

That was all he wanted Kakyoin to feel. He wanted him to feel safe, secure, and sheltered. He didn't want him to even feel the slightest bit in danger after what happened with Dio.

As everyone was hugging their loved ones, Ahe came crawling back to them. She looked at each one and cracked a smile once she saw them with their resurrected friends, their expressions filled with relaxation and at peace.

Everyone gave a small smile back and she walked towards her parents, tears wanting to shed down once more. But she held them in, she didn't want to appear weak in front of her friends anymore. She laid down on the ground and held each of her mothers in her bleeding arms.

Jotaro closed his eyes once more and laid his chin on Kakyoin's head once again, but opened them in an instant once he felt the man who was under him was shuffling around. Jotaro, now in full shock, got up as quick as possible since he didn't want Kakyoin to have any weird ideas on why Jotaro, of all people, was being really close and "cuddly" with him.

He now stood in front of him and stared at his face, just waiting for anymore movement he may cause. Suddenly, Kakyoin's eyes slowly started to open and reveal the soft yet powerful lavender eyes Jotaro loved.

"Jo- Jotaro?" Kakyoin asked while rubbing his fingers on his eyes, not sure whether he was dreaming or not. Kakyoin's confused expressions and movements made Jotaro's insides fuel with joy, but he didn't let anyone see it. 

"It's me... you're okay," Jotaro quietly said, before slowly pulling Kakyoin into a hug. Kakyoin was taken aback from this since the Jotaro he knew would never do such a thing, other than a handshake, but he accepted the hug nonetheless. Kakyoin could feel Jotaro's heart beat with action, making him blush in the process a bit since he didn't know how to take this as. Kakyoin was confused however, he started to recollect his thoughts... he tried remembering his last memory here on earth. That's when Kakyoin remembered. Dio.

"How am I here? Didn't Dio take my life or something?" He asked Jotaro, who was still in his grasp. Jotaro awkwardly let go and shoved his hat closer to his face, trying to hide the blush growing on his cheeks.

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