Part 7

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"Jotaro! Wait for me! You are not going anywhere by yourself!" Joseph yelled chasing after Jotaro. Jotaro ignored the old man and continued walking nowhere. He had no clue where to even began. "Fine old man. So, how are we going to find him?" He questioned waiting for his grandfather to catch up.

"Well, we gotta go back to Polnareff's house to get him and my bag full of cameras. I can take a spirit photo of each stand user with each camera I destroy. Then, we'll figure out their locations." Joseph said with confidence as he dragged Jotaro back to Polnareff's house.

Both boys made it back to Polnareff's place and gathered their supplies.

"Polnareff, you are not bringing the candy..." Jotaro said while glaring at Polnareff as he tried stuffing some of the candy in his pockets.

"But whyyyyy. They're all so good and yummy. Plus, whenever i'm sad i'll just take a bite and I'll hopefully feel better you know." Polnareff whined as he took another bite off of a candy bar.

"Ah good grief. Old man? You got the cameras? We should start heading out soon." Jotaro yelled with annoyance as he called for his grandfather.

"Wait shut up i'm on the phone!" Joseph replies back.

After a couple of minutes Joseph made his way with the two other crusaders. "Alright. I got on the phone with Holly and your grandmother and they seem to be doing alright. I got the Speedwagon Foundation to keep them safe while we're out here doing business. I don't want anything to happen to two of the most important people in my life." He replied as he reached for a bag. He started to take out one polaroid camera.

"Alright, lets catch this son of a bitch. Hermit purple!" Joseph yelled as he held his hand upright and let it quickly come in contact with the camera as hermit purple did it's job. Soon, the camera was in pieces, and a small photo came out.

"Alright, lets see who we got here." Jotaro said stepping forward to get a better view of the picture. All that was seen was a tall feminine figure with long flowing hazel hair. One distinctive detail however were her eyes. They were both different colored. Her left eye seemed to be a light green shade while the other right eye seemed to have more of a darker blueish tint.

The background of the picture seemed to be really colorful. Many flashing lights appearing inside of the frame.

"She seems to be in some sort of club or party doesn't she?" Joseph commented pointing at some of the flashing blue and purple lights.

"We got a girl. Not Aramis but we could deal with her, maybe even try and dig some information out of her and try and find Aramis. I only know one place that looks similar to that. It's a club that goes by the name of Night Paris." Remarked Polnareff taking a closer look at the small picture.

"Hmm. Well, lets get a move on. We got to get to her before she starts killing, drugging, or taking advantage of innocent people." The older Joestar said as he hanged the bag on his shoulder and placed his hand on his waist. "Come on!"

Jotaro and Polnareff soon followed Mr. Joestar. Polnareff eating his good share of candy while walking over towards the door.  They made their way outside and started to follow Polnareff as he was the only one who knew about that club.


"Here it is guys. Night Paris." The frenchman remarked pointing at a tall building that stood in front of the crusaders. "Let's get a move on before she leaves."

The three men opened the club's door and they were blinded with the flashing lights coming out of the inside of the room.

"Goddamn is it bright as fuck in here," Jotaro growled covering his face with his hand. They all made it inside and started wondering off, trying to find the stand user.

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