Part 19

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Ahe hugged her parents with such brutal strength. Tears slid down her face as she took a look at each one of her mothers' tender resting faces. So many emotions raced left and right upon her face. She felt a sense of happiness, of course, but she also felt a rushing sensation of rage.

All she wanted was for them to live on in the afterlife in peace. But Aramis had to disrupt their resting slumber. It made her angry. All she wanted to do was murder him in cold blood for that.

But she also thought to herself, they're back. That was the only thing keeping her going right now.

She tried picking up both of her mothers but only had the strength to hold one at a time. Ahe dragged her mother, Gaia, towards the fog that locked the three of them inside.   A woosh of wind swept over them and Ahe felt a cold liquid trickling down her body. She touched her back and blood oozed it's way down. Aramis' stand has struck Ahe without her even knowing it. The pain started to settle in but she didn't let that stop her.

Ahe sent out Honey Lavender to check for any movement as she struggled to push her mother to the other side.

Another blow to her leg.

Once Ahe felt the sudden slash, Honey Lavender teleported it's way to it's user and managed to land a few punches on Aramis' stand. His stand immediately retreated back to its user too and a grown of pain was heard nearby them.

Ahe finally made it towards the other side and let her mother fall down on the concrete. And just like the other crusaders, the fog picked her up and threw her all the way back inside. Ahe was taken aback from this and was left fragile as she fell back to the ground. It took most of her strength to carry her mother and push herself against the thick fog that was blocking their way.

She struggled to make her way towards her mother Alexa, but she managed to pull through and pick her up. As she was going through the fog again, wind came in and threw her brunette and blonde hair in front of her face, making it harder to pay attention to her surroundings.

"I got you now..." A cruel grizzly voice said. Ahe sent out Honey Lavender as quickly as possible but she felt a sharp blade sticking out of her chest. It was too late.

Sure enough, a metal blade was poking its way out of her body. She looked down at it in shock and her eyes were slowly dimming down into a darker shade.


Jotaro laid his eyes on Kakyoin, who was now standing in front of him. He stopped in his tracks to admire the man in front of him.

"Kakyoin... b-but didn't I just-" Jotaro stuttered out. He was filled with confusion as his eyes scoured his entire body up and down. Kakyoin walked slowly towards Jotaro with a smile on his face.

"It's been a long time now hasn't it friend?" He chuckled as he approached Jotaro. Jojo walked closer to Kakyoin and pulled him into a hug.

Jotaro was filled with so many emotions at that moment. He completely forgot about Joseph, Polnareff, Avdol, Iggy, Ahe, and even Aramis. All his attention was on Kakyoin. He couldn't believe it. He was standing in front of him. He was in his arms. Jojo didn't want to let go of him.

Jotaro dug his face into Kakyoin's shoulder and let a few tears fall as he kept on whispering, "I got you Kakyoin. It's okay, you're safe with me...". He repeated that over and over again as they laid there hugging each other in silence, the wind flowing over them.

Jotaro let his guard down at the sight of Kakyoin, and out of nowhere, he felt the man he was hugging shuffling around. "Kakyoin, what are you doi-" Jotaro questioned before being stabbed in the back by a blade. The metallic blade managed to sink it's way pretty deeply inside of Jotaro before forcefully being taken out. Jojo threw Kakyoin away and looked at him, now far away from him. Kakyoin had a blade in his hands, which was now covered in his own blood. Kakyoin's lavender eyes shifted into a dark crimson red color. Jotaro's eyes were filled in fury at the realization of falling into Aramis' trap.

"How dare you impersonate him and use him against me," Jotaro yelled in fury. His whole face went red with anger and let out Star Platinum as he ran towards Kakyoin/Aramis.

"You got it all wrong Jotaro, do you really think i'd be that stupid to face you in there myself? Way easier when you have a stand that can create up to three other copies of itself," Aramis scolded.

"Does that mean... that the others are also... fighting you?"

All that was heard was a snicker before Metal Upbringing, Aramis' stand, ran towards Jotaro as well. "Kakyoin" held the blade in place and thrusted it towards Jotaro, only for Star Platinum to catch it before it made any real damage and push it against his stands back. Surprisingly, the stand fell down and struggled to get up. Star Platinum picked up "Kakyoin" and landed a massive amount of punches as he yelled "Ora," for each one of them. Jotaro covered his eyes with his hat as his stand landed the blows on him because he didn't want to see a vision of Kakyoin getting beat up, fake Kakyoin or not. He couldn't deal with the sight of that. Finally, all that was left was a really beaten up image of Kakyoin as it laid lifeless into the floor.

"1 down. Wonder how the others are doing," Jotaro whispered.


This chapter was supposed to come out on Friday but a few things came up and I kept on rewriting it because I didn't like how it'd come out, and I still don't tbh but oh well. Apologies for this poorly written chapter. I really need to come up with a writing schedule too 😭. Also, I just realized that Chapter 14 would be really good if you played Goodbye Nostalgia by Coda while reading it. I even added the song on the chapter if you guys wanted to reread it with the song. One more thing, are there any more ships you would be looking forward to seeing? Any other ships you guys would like to see me write about? OKAY THATS IT BYE ✌🏻

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