Part 32 ★

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"You're a terrible father," Kakyoin mumbled.

Jotaro gave Kakyoin a cold stare and shook his head. "What do you mean, I'm the best of all fathers, just you wait and see once I have my own children," He huffed out, showing off Jotaro and Kakyoin Jr, along with Timmy who were all now back in his grasp.

"As if that'll ever happen, you brush off every girl who interacts with you," Kakyoin shrugged as he let out Hierophant Green, who helped him carry all the toys, stuffed animals, and prizes they had both won.

Jotaro ignored him and looked at the sky.

"The sun is setting, I have to take you back to your parents soon, if I don't, I'll miss my flight," Jotaro let out, looking away from Kakyoin's direction and focusing on the ground, kicking a few pebbles with his shoes with each step.

"Miss your flight and stay with me then," Kakyoin said, with hope in his eyes as he looked at him.

Jotaro stopped dead in his tracks and turned his entire body around to face him. He looked into his eyes and his heart ached with pain.

"I'm sorry, I just can't..." Jotaro whispered out loud. He turned his body around and began to start walking again.

Kakyoin slowly walked after him and through the entire walk to Kakyoin's house, they remained in silence, only cracking a few jokes here and there.

After a few more long and stressful minutes, they ended up at the front of his house, a small lake spilling water beside the cozy-looking home.

Kakyoin stared at the house and looked around it, trying to spot any differences.

"Everything looks the same," He smiled. His eyes darted to the windows on the side of the structure and saw two dim silhouettes moving around. He took in a deep breath and let it out in stress. Jotaro put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a nod of encouragement. Kakyoin nodded back and stepped forward, walking towards the door. He lifted his arm, ready to knock on the door but slowly brought it back down.

"It was fun hanging out with you guys. I'll miss you, remember to show up every once in a while," He said, turning around to face Jotaro. Jotaro looked up at him and gave him a single nod. Kakyoin gave him a grin and dug into his pockets. Jotaro looked at him in confusion and Kakyoin pulled out a small green handkerchief.

"Remember when you gave me that money that I used to buy the sandwiches with? Well, I may have bought something else with it as well," He told him as he stretched his hand out, giving Jotaro the handkerchief. Jotaro took it and smiled at it, remembering the first time they met.

"It doesn't have a creepy message on it, right? Anything threatening?" He joked. Kakyoin grinned and shook his head.

"I promise I won't try to kill you anytime soon,"

Jotaro raised an eyebrow and nodded in a sarcastic way. He suddenly remembered the suitcase he had brought along with him the entire time. He pulled it out of Star Platinum's grasp and held it with his two hands, pulling it forward in Kakyoin's direction.

"I think you waited long enough to find out what's inside, except you have to open it once you get in," Jotaro said as he pointed towards the door. Kakyoin huffed but took the suitcase in his own hands, lifting it up and down.

"It's quite heavy," He mumbled out, setting it carefully on the ground.

"I think it's time," Jotaro announced as he looked at the door once again, his heartbreaking with every glance he gave it. Kakyoin's grin faded and nodded.

Kakyoin raised a hand and took in a deep breath as his hand was centimeters from touching it. He let out his deep breath and finally knocked on the door.

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