Part 13

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All four of the members were now walking around Paris, Polnareff leading the way. Joseph was admiring the view and snapping quick pictures, Polnareff led the group around his favorite parts around París, and both Jotaro and Ahe we're slowly following them while having a cigarette in hand.

"You're just a splitting image of Jotaro you know Ahe. Both of you are just so serious all the time. Come on, smile a bit. Actually, the only difference between you two is your height! Haha!" Polnareff laughed as he pretended to measure Ahe's height. Ahe stared at Polnareff with a look of pure coldness in her eyes. The frenchman caught on and nervously stopped his laughter. He suddenly bolted towards an unknown direction, Ahe angrily racing after him.

"Jeez, will those two ever get along? Over at the house Ahe had a knife against Polnareff's throat because he apparently ate his candy 'too loud'. Seriously can you believe that?" Joseph remarked slowly putting his camera in his bag. Jotaro sighed and shrugged their shoulders.

"I saw both of them fighting with their stands too. Polnareff has her pinned against the wall with Silver Chariots sword because she ate half of his candy," The younger Joestar muttered. He flicked his cigarette and threw it on the floor. Joseph shook his head and held the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"Oh my god," The older one grunted.

"Help me!" Polnareff cried out loud as the smaller female ran after him.


"The next stand user you guys are going after is named Hugo Ruiz, his stands name is Gypsy Coral and it's ability is to transform anything his stand touches into water or the liquid of his choice. I ran into him one time. He almost turned my hands into water if I didn't leave in time. He's pretty strong," Ahe uttered. The group were now making their way towards a mall. Ahe returned the picture Joseph printed out and he tucked it into his pocket.

"Alright then. Everyone keep an eye out for a tall guy with a brown beard and blue eyes." Joseph announced. Everyone nodded and headed inside of the mall they have arrived to.

"We have to split up. It's easier now that we have an extra person. We can split up in pairs. I'll take Polnareff since you two can't be anywhere together," Joseph scolded while looking at both Ahe and Polnareff. They both turned to look at each other and huffed.

"I didn't want to work with you anyways," Polnareff sneered at Ahe while walking off with Joseph. She shrugged Polnareff off and followed Jotaro.

Jotaro and Ahe were walking around the many stores that were in the building. They soon ended up in the food court. "You hungry? I could go for some food. You down?" Ahe asked while walking next to Jotaro. He turned to look at her and shook his head.

"We cannot get distracted. We have to find this Ruiz guy and bring his life to hell." The boy said while holding his hat.

"How does your hat do that?"

"Do what?"

"That. How does your hair and hat just fuse together," Ahe asked attempting to take Jotaro's hat off to examine it. Jotaro groaned and backed off before she could lay a single finger on Jotaro's precious black hat.

"I wore it too much. It's basically me now." The tall boy answered while shooing her away. She chuckled and shook her head. "Really? What do you sleep and shower with it too?"

Jotaro just shrugged his shoulders and kept on walking. As they both were looking around, they heard a women yell out in agony. They jerked their heads off into the direction the screaming was coming from and made eye contact with a familiar looking guy.

"That long beard. Those cold blue eyes. We found him." Jotaro fumed as he started walking towards him. "And it seems he's already started attacking people,"

He turned to look at the women who was screaming her head off. Her legs, her arms, and half of her body was missing. All that was left was her upper torso and head. She was crying in pain. Everyone inside of the food court started panicking and running away from the scene, leaving Ahe and Jotaro alone with the women and Ruiz.

"You go help out that women over there, get her to a hospital, i'll deal with him. Go!" Jotaro yelled as he got closer to Ruiz. Ruiz had already caught eyes on Jotaro. He laughed with astonishment once he saw Jotaro approaching him.

"Look boy, what exactly are you gonna do. How are you gonna stop me. Isn't your stand close range? Any contact your stand has with my body it'll turn you into water." The bearded man laughed. Jotaro stopped and thought about what Ruiz said. He didn't think of that. Jotaro clenched his teeth but soon relaxed them, as a plan was forming in his head.

"You're right about that, but not all of my attacks are close range you know?" Jotaro smirked as he looked at Ruiz's face. This only caused Ruiz to laugh even louder. "Don't you try and pull any of your bluffs on me pal! They aren't going to work with me."

Jotaro just sat on a nearby chair and watched Ruiz. Ruiz got annoyed with him and pulled out his stand, a tall liquified creature stood before him.

"Gypsy Coral!" He yelled while pointing at Jotaro. The stand started to quickly make its way after Jotaro. Jotaro stood up from the chair and jumped. Gypsy Coral made small contact with the chair and it turned into water in such an instant.

"Star Platinum!" Jotaro yelled as Star Platinum made his appearance. Jotaro grabbed a nearby small chair and chucked it and Gypsy Coral. The watery stand caught it but was soon met with Star Platinum's fist. They struck the stand but it only went through it. Jotaro was shocked and took a look at his right hand. It was slowly turning into water. Jotaro yelled in disbelief and turned to look at Ruiz. A smirk was plastered against his face.

"Told you," He grinned.

Jotaro started to look at his surroundings. He spotted an outlet. Star Platinum ran at it and punched it.


He then pulled the wires and cords inside of it and launched them at Gypsy Coral. The water stand had no option than to try and escape the electricity, but the stand being water, it left a trail. Star Platinum threw the cords and they managed to make contact with the stand. Gypsy Coral was soon in shock. Electricity ran through it. Ruiz was yelling in pain as he laid there watching his stands body fry up. After a little while, the stand was no more. Ruiz laid there lifeless, his entire body black with smoke.

Jotaro looked at his fist, it stayed empty. Nothing happened. It wasn't being pieced together. He had no hand. Now blood started to shoot out of it. Jotaro groaned in pain and fell to the ground. Blood was now all over his uniform. He created a pool with his own blood. He heard running behind him.

"Kujo what the hell? This is what I come back to? Are you doing alright? I'll call an ambulance. I can't carry you towards the hospital," Ahe told Jotaro. Jotaro nodded and laid on the floor, loosing his vision from the sudden blood loss.

"Go do it. I'll just stay here..."


Thanks to MRivera101 for letting me use Hugo Ruiz (Gypsy Coral)!

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