Part 14

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Not a single noise was heard




"My head, what happened?"

Jotaro groaned as he sat up and placed his hand on his head. He opened his eyes and a bright light was shining right in front of him. Blinding him for a bit.

"What in the hell?" Groaned Jojo again as he shut his eyes in an instant. He opened his eyes once again and looked around. He was back at the green field. The same bright blue sky stood above him. Jotaro looked at the ground and ruffled the tall grass and flowers around.

"I'm back here again, which means..."

"Kakyoin! Where are you! Speak to me!" Yelled Jotaro in an instant. The black haired boy stood up and wondered around, yelling his red heads name.


Jotaro started to panic.

"No no, please be here Kakyoin... please... I need you here right now," Mumbled Jotaro. He started to sprint around the green fields.



Just when all Jotaro's hope seemed to be lost, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Jotaro flinched at the touch and stood in a defensive stance. He turned his head around and right in front of him was Kakyoin. The man Jotaro was trying so hard to save. Jotaro formed a smile on his face and gave him the biggest hug. He didn't want to let go. Kakyoin groaned at the sudden hug and wrapped his strong arms against Jotaro.

"Hey Jotaro, good to see yo-"

"Shut up and hug me tighter, I can't bare to lose you again," Interrupted Jotaro as he held in his tears. Kakyoin chuckled and hugged the boy even tighter than before. Next thing they knew, they were on the floor, still wrapped around each other. No words were spoken. It was just them and the sound of the quiet wind.

"Kakyoin... you don't know how much i've missed you. But don't worry, we're going to get you back alright. I know this is a dream, and you're probably not actually hearing any of this, but, I promise you i'll get you back. We're almost there. Just one more stand user till we get to Aramis. I know he'll bring you back. Then, you'll be in my arms. Safe with me. I'm not gonna leave you again." Whispered Jotaro as he placed his hand on Kakyoin's chin. Kakyoin looked at Jotaro and Jotaro stared back at him.

They didn't even notice, but both of the boys were only centimeters away from touching lips. Jotaro's heart started to speed up once he took notice. He didn't know this feeling. He didn't know what was happening. Neither did Kakyoin. Both didn't know what to do, their bodies were just acting on their own. They were both clueless. Soon enough, both of them connected their lips against each other. Kakyoin felt butterflies jumping and flying around his stomach as Jotaro's lips were pressed against his own. Jotaro felt his checks burning up as he placed his other hand behind Kakyoin's head, making it easier for him to kiss him. Both of them closed their eyes and just let it happen.

After a few minutes, they let go of each other and regained their breathing. Both of them were flustered by their actions. They didn't even try to look at each other.

But they both knew that what just happened was right. They were sure of it. That feeling that they both shared, it was a once in a lifetime experience.

Jotaro then had the guts to finally speak up and say something.

"Kakyoin, I-"

"Shut the hell up and kiss me again you doofus," Laughed Kakyoin and pushed his strong physique against Jotaros. Jojo was taken aback from this but a smirk was growing on his face as the red head pushed his lips back against Jotaro's.

They shared another passionate kiss and held each other while it happened, not letting go, staying by each others side through it all.

Jotaro and Kakyoin let go and shared a glance at each other. Jojo took the time to analyze Kakyoin's face. He looked at every little detail. He loved his face. He ran his hand through Kakyoin's hair and gave his hair that was hanging out a little floof. Kakyoin chuckled at his actions and took off Jotaro's hat. Kakyoin ran his hands against Jotaro's sleek black hair and pushed it back. He grabbed the hat and placed it on his own head.

"How do I look?" Kakyoin remarked as he gave Jotaro a wink. Jotaro smiled and took his hat back from Kakyoin.

"You look good, you always do you know?"

"Sure, anything you say big guy,"

"Shut up, you're just as big as me,"

Both of them chuckled a bit and let the silence take over again. They were both quiet. Jotaro couldn't believe what was happening right in front of his eyes. He finally took realization.

He liked Kakyoin.


He fell in love with the man standing right in front of him. It was all clear to him now. That was the feeling he was unsure of. That was the feeling he didn't know how to explain.

Kakyoin had many thoughts running through his head also.

Kakyoin thought of the man sitting next to him. He liked that side of him. The gentle side he was when he was with him. He never thought of Jotaro that way however. He didn't know if this was normal. None of them did. Kakyoin didn't know the difference between a good friend and a partner, based on his past. One thing he did know however, was that you do romantic things with your partner. Kakyoin turned to look at Jotaro.

I want to do romantic things with him. I want to be near him. I want to be with him. I want him.

He thought.

"What's wrong," Jotaro asked once he caught sight of Kakyoin staring at him. Kakyoin shook his head. "No nothing, nothings wrong."

Jotaro raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Is it... you know... us,"

Kakyoin shook his head even more and frantically swayed his hands. "What? no no no. It's just, I like you. A lot. Like, a bunch."

"So do I,"

They turned to look at each other once again and leaned their heads forward. Jotaro shut his eyes, waiting for his lips to connect with Kakyoin's... but, he didn't feel anything.




"Mr. Kujo? Are you awake?"

"Mr. Kujo?"

"No no no,"


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