Part 33

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After a few more minutes of the boys sharing a passionate kiss and exchanging their love towards each other, they finally pulled away. Jotaro, who was still in a sense of shock turned away and focused his attention on the floor, avoiding eye contact with Kakyoin. Kakyoin smirked as he tried hiding his own flustered face and smacked him on his back.

"You should get going, you're going to miss your flight," He grinned, finally accepting the fact that Jotaro had to leave. Jotaro looked up at him and nodded, slowly turning away and lowering his cap in agreement.

"Oh and before you go," Kakyoin mumbled towards him as he stepped out away from the stairs he was standing at. Jotaro gave him a questioning look and Kakyoin pulled himself up towards Jotaro and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"Bye," He grinned and pulled himself away. Jotaro smiled at him and gave him a small peck as well. Kakyoin smiled back and gave him one more final hug before walking back towards his house. Kakyoin waved goodbye at him and shut the front door to his house, leaving Jotaro alone outside.

Jotaro began walking towards the opposite direction of the house and kept the same grin on his face as he thought about what had just happened. The look of Kakyoin's face kept on replaying over and over again in his head as he thought back to the kiss that they both had just shared.

Kakyoin on the other hand, fell to the floor once he shut the door on Jotaro. He wasn't sad or disappointed, he accepted the fact that life was like this. Not everything is fair in the world. He grunted at the thought and stared at the suitcase that was driving him insane.

"Finally," He spoke out loud as he pulled it closer towards him rather roughly.

"Shit, maybe I should be a bit more careful, I could definitely break whatever is inside," He winced as he realized his mistake. He carefully pulled it closer and inspected the outside of it first, moving it around slowly as he looked at every corner of it. It was a fine black matte color that intrigued his eyes the more he looked at it. He placed it back on the floor and held his fingers over the two latches on it.

"Moment of truth," He whispered as he took a deep breath in and shut his eyes. He unlocked and opened the suitcase fully and slowly opened his eyes, letting out his breath as he did so.

In front of him sat two objects. Kakyoin looked stunned at them in disbelief.

There laid a big dolphin plush and a brand new expensive looking game console. As he took out the dolphin with tears in his eyes, a small letter tucked inside the fins of the dolphin fell out. Kakyoin wiped his tears away and grabbed the small letter with his right hand and opened it with both.

He opened it to see a small red heart with his initials written next to it. Below it was written, "You don't know how much you mean to me. Even if we only met for less than fifty days, it felt like lifetime,"

Kakyoin grinned at the note and held it towards his chest. He took a look at the dolphin plush and couldn't help but crack a laugh. He grabbed it with both hands and pushed it against his face.

"Smells just like cigarettes and a hint of Jotaro huh," He chuckled as he pulled it away, trying to shoo away the smell of cigarettes, but he suddenly stopped as he strangely found the smell comforting.

He placed the dolphin back in the suitcase and took a look at the console. He let out a whistle as he took it out the box it came in. A set of two controllers popped out and a few video games that came with the console fell out the box. He looked at the console in amazement as he brought his hands over it, touching the material it was out of.

His parents decided to check up on him and found him sitting on the floor with an amazed look on his face. They looked at what he was staring at and saw the console and dolphin plush.

"Is that what your friend brought you?" Asked his father as he walked closer towards him, sitting down next to him. Kakyoin nodded and grabbed the console, slithering it back in its box.

"He must really like you if he bought you that. Looks like the new model that was just released doesn't it," His mother piped up, looking at the console with her eyes as she sat down next to him as well. Kakyoin nodded and placed the console back in the suitcase it came from, closing it shut. He brought his knees towards him and laid his chin on top of them.

"What's the matter," His mother asked, bringing her hand up towards his hair, playing with it as she waited for an answer. The only answer that he could muster was silence. After a couple of seconds of thinking, the only reply he could think of was, "I want to go with him,"

His mother stopped playing with his hair and his father turned stiff. Kakyoin noticed this and turned to look at them both. They had blank stares on their faces.

"But why would you want to go with him? You've already spent enough time with him and his friends. It's our turn isn't it?" His father chuckled as he wrapped his arm over his shoulder. Kakyoin didn't react and just looked at the suitcase.

"Do you guys want me to be completely honest with you?" Kakyoin asked. Both his parents turned to look at each other with worried expressions on their faces. "Of course, you can always be honest when talking to us," His mother replied.

Kakyoin took in a deep breath and let it out whilst saying, "You guys don't understand me. Don't call me unreasonable either. I feel a lot closer to him than I have ever felt with anyone else in my seventeen years of living, I seriously want to go with him, leave all this loneliness once and for all,"

This took both his parents off guard. This wasn't exactly what they were thinking when Kakyoin asked them if he could be honest with them, yet, it was something that they somehow felt was going to come up eventually.

"Oh," Let out his father as he stretched out his legs in front of him and looked at the ceiling. His mother looked at Kakyoin in a frantic tone and tried to stop herself from crying.

"But you can't go with him, do you know how many countless nights we've stayed up crying because our son was no longer with us? Do you know how many times i've cried by just taking a look at your clothes? Or your video games? They remind me of you. They reminded me that my son was gone, torn away from me, from us, and now that we finally have you once again you're going to leave us once more? I can't do this," She cried, tears falling left and right as she yelled her feelings at him. Kakyoin blankly stared at his mother as he saw her breaking down in front of him. Kakyoin's father stood up and grabbed her, pulling her into a room.

"I'll calm her down, wait right here for a few minutes alright?" He told him. Kakyoin nodded and they both soon left. Kakyoin looked down once again and stared at the suitcase.

After a few minutes of him laying there and inspecting the suitcase, his parents came back out, his mother's face still looking red with anger but no tears came out.

"You're mother and I have come up with a solution. You can go with your friend, and stay with him for as long as you plan to, but you have to keep in contact with us at all times, seems pretty fair right?" Asked his father. Kakyoin looked up at him in disbelief at the words that had just left his mouth.

"Wait back it up a second, you're letting me go with him? Did I just hear that right?" He asked in shock. His father nodded his head in agreement. His mother looking down at him and nodding as well. Kakyoin got up in an instant and hugged both of his parents tightly.

"Thank you," He whispered, burying his face in his father's shoulder. They both patted his back and hugged him back.

"We packed a few of your belongings already, all you need to do is get yourself a brand new change of clothes and pack a few extra things," His mother whispered softly, looking at how happy her son seemed once he had heard the news. She let out a small smile and looked at her son run off into his room, quickly grabbing his items.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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