Part 12

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"The food was fantastic! We should come back and visit more often," Joseph exclaimed as he rubbed his stomach. Both of them were making their way back towards Polnareff's house.

"Whatever happened to catching another stand user today?" Jotaro asks as he turned to look at his old man. Joseph shrugged. "Eh, we could do it tomorrow, you need a break, you've been fighting them left and right,"


"Oh my god! What happened here?" Joseph yelled as he got inside of the house. Polnareff was on the floor... tied up... tears falling out of his eyes. Once Polnareff noticed that the two other Joestars finally arrived, he was screaming with joy. His mouth was duck taped together, with no method of speaking, he started rolling on the floor.

"Right," Jotaro let out as he got on his knees and started cutting the tape off of his hands and feet. Once he was done, he took away the duct tape from his mouth.

"Oh my god, thank you guys. What the hell took you both so long, I was here waiting for you."

"Where is she, did she fucking leave? Did she get away?" Jotaro asked with anger as he pulled Polnareff to his face. Polnareff shook his head and pointed towards the direction of the kitchen. "I heard her snooping around the kitchen. She probably already ate all of my American candy," Polnareff pouted as he was adjusting his face. Jotaro made a run towards the kitchen and suddenly stopped once he saw the female stand user snooping around Polnareff's fridge. She heard Jotaro and turned to face him.

"Oh hey, it's you again. Thanks for you know, not killing me. I figured i'd not kill your friend over there as payback. Can I leave now?" She asked as she got a cup of juice.

"No you can't leave yet... I have a few questions to ask you. Now sit," Jotaro said as he pulled out a chair for her. She raised an eyebrow but sat down reluctantly.

"Alright. I guess I owe it to you..."

"Well to start things off, who are you and what are your stands abilities?"

"My name is Ahe Kekoa and you have already met my stand Honey Lavender. Honey Lavender can teleport 10 meters away from where it is located. Pretty sweet right?" Ahe responded taking a sip of juice. Jotaro looked at her and turned to look back at the table they were both sitting in.

"If you don't mind me asking, you are?"

"Jotaro Kujo. My grandfather Joseph Joestar and my friend Jean P. Polnareff are over at the other room."

"Wait wait wait, you guys are the ones who defeated that one guy? What was his name... Dio? Right?" Ahe asked with shock. Jotaro nodded.

"Oh shit. Did you know he wanted to recruit me? That was funny. Once I declined he sent people going after me." Ahe chuckled as she got up from her seat and got a stash of Polnareff's American candy.

"They're all taken out by the way. You don't have to worry about them jumping us out of nowhere. I got people who took care of them." She said sitting back down and plopping a candy bar in her mouth.

"Hmm, okay. Anyways, I want to get straight to the point. How do you know Amaris?" Jotaro said with a serious expression in his face. At the sound of his name, Ahe turned to look at Jotaro.

"Do you really want to know who he is? I've been trying to find that murderer after he killed my parents. He's a cruel ass motherfucker. That's who. He killed my parents because of some mafia shit. They had some bad blood against each other." She angrily said as she hit the table with a bit of force.

"Just so you know, we aren't working for him. We're trying to find and kill him. He's one the the enemy stand users we have to defeat. But..." Jotaro said, loosing track to what he was gonna say next.


"I want him to bring someone back to life. A few people actually."

Ahe was taken aback from this and started to laugh, which only caused Jotaro to get angrier. "What's so funny?"

"You really think he's going to help you? That man is pure evil. He isn't going to do shit you know?" She chuckled. Jotaro leaned back and sighed.

"You don't know me. I'll get him to help me. One way or another."

"You may be right about that. You managed to defeat Dio. If you managed to defeat that guy, you can basically defeat anyone. Aramis is probably going to be easy cake for you isn't it." Ahe responded. Jotaro shrugged and stood up.

"You can leave now." Jotaro said as he was leaving the kitchen. Ahe raised an eyebrow and bolted after Jotaro. "Oi, no. I'm thinking about staying with you guys for a bit. You guys are the closest people who have gotten information on Aramis and i'm not going to let that go. I'm gonna help you guys. We can end that guys life together. You guys get your people, i'll get my revenge. Deal?" Ahe said moving her right hand forward. Jotaro looked at it and sighed. "Sure," He groaned as he shook it.

Jotaro led Ahe towards Joseph and Polnareff. Both of the two males were sitting down but once they saw Ahe in front of them, they soon jumped in defensive stances. Polnareff got out Silver Chariot and Joseph's hands sparked with hamon.

"Calm down guys, she's on our team. She's going to help us catch Aramis then she'll be leaving." Jotaro spoke up. The two other men turned to look at eachother and retracted their abilities.

"My name is Ahe Kekoa, and i'll be joining you in your journey to stop Aramis and get your friends back," Ahe said looking at each man.

"The names Joseph Joestar." Joseph said tipping his hat slightly forward. Ahe gave Joseph a small smile and gave him a little wave.

Polnareff however got on one knee and held Ahe's hand. "My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff madam, it's a pleasure to meet you, and my goodness is Ahe such a beautiful name," Polnareff said giving Ahe a wink. Ahe gave Polnareff a look of disgust and punched him in the face. "This one annoys me, but hi Polnareff," She said ruffling the frenchman's hair as he laid on the floor with a bloody nose.



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