Part 2

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"You finally guessed it Joestar. I'm still in shock on how you and your grandson Jotaro defeated Dio. Thank god I didn't work with him. I saved my life when I got out of there in time. I guess he saw the weakness in me and let me live... now didn't he. Haha, oh well. Such a loss, since I could defeat you and your grandson with such ease. I could accomplish more power then he ever will. I'll defeat you with my invisible stand The White Cloak!" The man yelled as he pointed at both Joseph and Jotaro.

Jotaro clenched his teeth as he let out Star Platinum. "Star Platinum!" He yelled as Star Platinum yelled an "ora".

But as soon as Star Platinum revealed himself, the man was soon gone. Joseph and Jotaro has no idea where he had gone.

"Jotaro... I know this may not be the best option we have right now, but this stand user just attacked us out of nowhere. We have to use my final move." Joseph said as he covered his face with his hat. Jotaro hid Star Platinum and nodded.

"Run away!!!" Joseph yelled as he began storming off into the opposite direction of the restaurant.

"Yare yare daze, the old man has to explain himself. He's been really secretive, quiet, and awfully a giant pain in the ass," Jotaro sighed to himself as he started running with Joseph.


As soon as both Joestars arrived to Joseph's house, Holly and Suzy greeted them.

"What took you guys so long? What happened to the manager?"

So many questions. It only made Jotaro's head pound.

"Could you both just shut the fuck up and let me think!" Jotaro yelled as he punched the door. Both women stayed quiet.

"Alright. Old man, what the fuck is going on? I thought you said we were done with them?" Jotaro soon then said as he turned to look at Joseph who was still sweating profusely.

"What are you both talking about" Said Suzy Q with a worried tone.

"J-Jotaro... let's talk in my office." Joseph said as he gulped in fear.

Both the men started walking inside Joseph's office. They stepped insides and locked the door behind them. Jotaro took a seat in Joseph's chair and Joseph remained standing.

"Go. Explain." Jotaro huffed.

"Look. The reason I've been really pissed and just an overall jerk is because... I found out there are more stands... I didn't want to believe it. I really didn't. Everyday, I would hope i'd be a dream. I would go to sleep and hope I'd wake up and everything would be normal." Joseph said taking his hat off and holding the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Thank god, I needed to let that out. I feel so much better."

"Why didn't you tell me before, thought both of us were in it together when it came to these sort of things." Jotaro questioned in disbelief.

"I didn't want to worry you. You're only eighteen. 7 months ago you had to go fight off Dio. You still have your whole life ahead of you." Joseph said.

"Another thing is... I wanted to honor... their deaths... I know this is a sensitive topic for you Jotaro... I know." Joseph whispered.

This caught Jotaro off guard. He started thinking about... them. It hurt him so much. It hurt him terribly. Just thinking about them made him want to cry tears. Real tears. He just wanted to let them fall of his face, but he couldn't show any kind of weakness, so he had to push his emotions to the back of his head.

"I know this is a very... sensitive topic Jotaro. I know it is. It hurts me too. But it sucks when I see you, locked up in your room, staring at the group picture... I know your pain-"

"Shut up! You don't know what I feel. You don't know HOW I feel. You don't know how much I miss every moment I spent with them. Every little moment... I cherished them. I just wanted them to know... I don't think they did though... I loved being with them. Avdol... I miss his speeches... trying to make us stay in check at any moment. Iggy... that little bastard. Always running off to who knows where... then all of a sudden popping right back in. But... Kakyoin..." Jotaro yelled... but soon whispered once he got to Kakyoin. Joseph just stared at him, and pulled Jotaro into a hug. Jotaro was once again caught off guard, but he really needed that hug. So, he surprised himself by returning the hug. He hasn't told anyone about his feelings when it came to them, he just had them locked in his mind, and even planned on leaving them there until the day he died.

"What about Kakyoin..." Joseph whispered, patting Jotaro's back.

"I really really liked him... I'm not gonna lie when I say that. It really hurts to think about that... that... um... never mind... anyways ahem. Back to the uh, stands." Jotaro coughed, trying to change the topic.

Joseph nodded and they soon began talking about the upcoming 7 stands...


See? We're getting there.

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