Part 8

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"Hmm, two down, five more to go," Sighed Jotaro in frustration. He couldn't wait to get his hands on Aramis. His fist clenched so hard, blood started to flow down his hand. He couldn't wait to take down Aramis and bring back Kakyoin. Bring back Avdol. Bring back Iggy.

"Jotaro, mind bringing me another camera. We can't waste time, we have to deal with the other stand users." Joseph spoke up from behind as he laid in one of the beds in Polnareff's house. Turns out that the female stand user ended up breaking four of Joseph's bones during the fight.

"Look old man, I know you want to come, but it's best for you to stay here and get some rest. I know you don't want to but you have to. I don't want you breaking anymore bones. I can deal with the stand users." Jotaro uttered looking at the tired old man. Joseph sighed in frustration but gave in. "Fine, have it your way then. Could you at least turn the TV on,"

Jotaro got up and reached for the TV. He turned it on, grabbed the remote, and handed it to Joseph. Joseph started switching through the channels until he came across the news channel.

"Reporting live, it seems that there has been an accident here at Everest Restaurant, three chef's and five innocent customers have been brutally killed in such a horrific way. What we are about to show you may be inappropriate for some viewers," An anxious reporter coming from the TV spoke. Soon, the camera pointed at two men in chef uniforms who seemed to have thorns sticking out of the entirety of their faces, their identities barely visible.

"Oh my god. This has to be the work of a stand user. No doubt. This doesn't like, ever occur. Take Polnareff with you. Good luck Jotaro," Joseph said giving Jotaro a nod.

Jotaro left Joseph's room and was looking around for Polnareff. "Polnareff where the hell are you?" He ran into every room in the house and nothing. "Good grief, guess I have to go alone. I can't find that guy anywhere," Jotaro scoffed picking up his coat from the hanger.


Jotaro arrived at the crime scene and police cars were outside of the restaurant questioning people. Jotaro slowed his pace, he didn't want any of the cops to get in his way. All he wanted to do was finish dealing with every enemy stand user, he just wanted to find Aramis. Jotaro walked towards the back of the restaurant without getting caught and found a back door. He let out Star Platinum and he punched the door down with one blow. "Hope I didn't make much sound," The boy thought in his head as he quietly made his way inside. His eyes wondered through the entire restaurant. He looked around the building, messy tables, pushed out chairs... even some food was left on most of the tables. Then, he got a glimpse of a bloody rose hidden under one of the tables. Jotaro started to walk towards it and slowly picked it up. Only for it to sting him.

"Fuck. What the hell was that?" Jotaro yelled in pain as he quickly dropped the rose.

"I can't believe you fell for it you fool." a raspy voice quietly said, giving Jotaro an eerie feeling down his back. Goosebumps started to slowly appear on his skin.

"What are you talking about? Who are you? Show yourself you coward!" Jotaro yelled as he held his hand, trying to stop it from stinging.

"As you wish, Kujo..." The voice whispered once again.

Slowly, a tiny old man started creeping out from under a few chairs. His figure only being half as tall as Jotaro. Jotaro only took this as an advantage. He could just kick the old bastard.

"Do you know what you just touched Jojo?" The old man said, touching his white grizzly hair with a smile. "You just touched my stand you fool, it has the ability to slowly grow thorns onto whoever touches it, soon, my thorns will take over your body, then they'll cut right through your heart and break every little vessel you have in that thing you call a body," He wickedly said as he started approaching Jotaro.

How could I have been so careless... What did I just get myself into. I have to kill him or convince him to let me go in one piece.

"What are you thinking about Jotaro? Please tell me. I'm quite curious. Are you thinking of ways you can defeat me? I may be an old man but I am pretty fast you know. I'm pretty smart as well so don't try outsmarting me. All these years I've been alive, all the knowledge I have acquired. There's just no way you could outsmart me young man," The old man once again said as he started to run his hand across Jotaro's hand.

"Get your nasty paws off me you annoying prick." Jotaro snapped, raising his left hand up, ready to unleash Star Platinum's powers against the old man, only to realize, he couldn't move. His legs, arms, and body were now all covered in thorns. His head was the only thing that was still left unharmed.

"You see, you're own curiosity is what killed you Jojo. If you hadn't touched my rose, maybe you could've defeated me. I wouldn't have a single chance against your Star Platinum." The old man added as he creeped his hand towards Jotaro's neck. "I could just snap your neck at this very instant, god I want to, but I want you to suffer a slow death... my thorns should cover it." The old man said taking a step back and pulling out a chair. He sat on it and just watched Jotaro's life slowly drain away.

This cannot be the way I die... Good grief is this so embarrassing. Jotaro Kujo, death? a goddamn rose. Ugh. But then again... If I really do die... at least i'll be with Kakyoin and the rest... maybe this isn't so bad...

Just as Jotaro thought it would be the end, a sudden sharp sound interrupted the silence in the restaurant. Jotaro turned to look at the old man and his body just dropped to the floor, a pool of blood forming around his body. Jotaro stared in confusion until he saw another tall figure standing behind where the man was sitting.

"Sorry i'm late, I had to pick up something real quick," Polnareff said, removing Silver Chariots sword from the old man's body. "Jeez that looks painful," Polnareff said as he winced at the sight of thorns sticking out of Jotaro's body. "It is."

"Let me get them off of you, Silver Chariot!" Polnareff shouted as Silver Chariot started slicing every little thorn off of Jotaro's body.

Once he was clean, Jotaro started moving again, feeling his arm as the pain was now gone.

"Thanks Polnareff, let's get out of here before the police notice we trespassed." The dark haired boy said before running off back to Polnareff's house.

"Wait for me!!"


So, I have an idea. Do you guys want to like, have your own enemy stand characters appear in this story? If so, DM me. I'll be accepting the first 3 requests that I get. Once you DM me, i'll give you guys the details I need. Good luck!

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