Part 24

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A few minutes ago...

"Avdol... we have to help Jotaro get together with Kakyoin. The poor boy will never make any progress with the way he's acting. We have to give him a little boost y'know?" Polnareff whispered in Avdol's ear.  Avdol was sitting down on the floor stroking Iggy's fur and thought to himself about Polnareff's plan to make "Jotakak" official.

"I'm not sure Polnareff... how do you know Kakyoin even feels the same homosexual tendencies Jotaro feels towards him? I don't want to make Kakyoin feel uncomfortable or forced to get together with Jotaro," He finally replied. Iggy got tired of Avdol petting him so he just ran of elsewhere, saddening Avdol.

"I get what your saying but come on, we have to try. We can let them get comfortable with each other and not be awkward love birds when they're in the feels. If either one feels uncomfortable, which I highly doubt, we'll stop immediately. Please? We have to give it a try... Jotakak remember?" Polnareff whined as he fell to the ground, just begging for Avdol to help him. He got on his knees and held his palms together, giving Avdol big puppy eyes.

After thinking long and hard about it, Avdol finally agreed to help Polnareff on his little "Jotakak Mission", as the Frenchman called it. Polnareff jumped in glee after he agreed.

"Alright then, your little "Jotakak Mission" starts now. The two have been downstairs for quite a while now, so ill go down and check up on them," Avdol whispered as he quietly tip-toed down the stairs. Polnareff nodded and waited for his friend to come back up. After a few minutes, Avdol came running right back up as quietly as he had left. "The two of them have been talking about leaving. You go and hurry up and go with them. I'm only participating in this as a guide on what to do, so you're on your own when you're alone with them, got it?" Avdol told Polnareff in a rush as he pushed the Frenchman closer to the stairs. Polnareff nodded and rushed down the stairs, almost tripping on his own feet as he ran down.

Once he made it to the bottom, he caught Kakyoin saying, "Anyways, uh, do you want to head out somewhere? Catch me up on a few more things? I don't know," and in a rush, he laid his body against the stool that ran up to the stair case.

"I want to come too," Polnareff said.

Back to the present...

"Kakyoin! Get your ass back here!" Jotaro continued to yell as he remained chasing Kakyoin while flailing his water bottle around, water splashing everywhere every once in a while.

"Sometimes I forget they're still teenagers," Polnareff muttered under his breath as he chuckled at the sight of Jotaro and Kakyoin running around the open area.

"You got my face and hair wet! Is that not enough for you?" Kakyoin said, only for his words to come out in a ramble from how out of breath he was. Jotaro also stopped running to catch his breath and nodded. "Yeah, sure. Guess i'll leave you alone for now," Jotaro gasped out. Kakyoin moved closer to Jotaro to pat his back in an attempt to help him catch his breath but Jotaro took this as an opportunity to splash the remaining water he had in his water bottle all over him.

Kakyoin shrieked in fear as the water was splattered all over his face and uniform. Polnareff continued to laugh as he saw Kakyoin struggling to dry off his wet uniform.

"Great. I am not heading out like this. I'm gonna go back to the house and get another pair of clothing. Is it alright if I could wear any of your spare clothes Jojo?" Kakyoin groaned out. He was unbuttoning his green uniform as he said this and his white undershirt, which was also soaking wet, started plastering itself against his pale skin. Jotaro started to choke on his own saliva once he turned around only to see Kakyoin without his green uniform and his white undershirt tugging against his skin.

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