Part 11

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"Oh my god! You did what! What was going on inside your heads when you both decided to bring an enemy stand user here, she could kill us!" Joseph yelled as he stared at the unconscious female stand user. Jotaro and Polnareff laid her on the floor and duck taped her hands and feet together so she wouldn't try escaping once she regained consciousness.

"Look old man, she may have answers towards who Aramis is. She mentioned him when we were fighting. I am not gonna let that information slide. I am going to find that son of a bitch and bring them back, no matter what." Jotaro said with determination. He checked the stand users pulse and sighed in relief. "She seems to be doing alright."

Jotaro then stood up and checked up on Joseph's bandages. Joseph groaned in return and just laid in his bed. "You up to find another stand user?" Polnareff asked taking a seat on Joseph's bed. Joseph sighed as let out a long "yessss,"

"Okay gramps. You're coming with me on this one, Polnareff, you stay here and keep a look out on our lady friend here," Jojo spoke as he helped his grandfather off of his bed. Polnareff looked at the stand user and his eyes sparked with joy.

"Oooooo, she better not kill me,"


"I've been dyingggg for a taste of good coffee. I'm absolutely positive this coffee will be better than the coffee over at Japan." Joseph grinned as he looked at a menu. Both of the Joestar's were at a restaurant, since Joseph begged Jotaro to have a small coffee break because according to Joseph, 'It's been forever since he had a decent cup of coffee'.

"Thought you said we were only stopping by for a cup of coffee, why are you snooping around the menu," Jotaro asked as he spotted Joseph looking around the menu. Joseph looked up at his grandson and placed his artificial hand on his shoulder. "Come on, when was the last time you had a decent meal, let's just eat for a few minutes and bolt on outta here," The older Joestar snickered handing Jotaro a menu.

"Yare yare... I guess, but we better get out of here quick, I don't want to lose any time," groaned Jotaro as he picked up the menu and opened it. Jotaro didn't even know what to order. He was just cluelessly skimming through the pages. Joseph took sight of this and chuckled.

"Are you two gentlemen ready to order?" Asked a waitress, who was standing beside Joseph and Jotaro. "Yes ma'am, i'd like a traditional coffee and uh, i'll take the uh... Soup...e...-"

"The Soupe à l'oignon?" The waitress said cutting off Joseph with the correct pronunciation. Joseph nervously laughed and nodded. The waitress then took a turn and looked at Jotaro. "And what about you sir?"

"Just a plain ol coke and whatever he's having," Jotaro said as he lit up a cigarette and placed it on his mouth. The waitress nodded and went towards the backroom.

"Alright! I'm so hungry!" Joseph let out leaning towards the table. Jotaro looked at him and turned to look around the restaurant. It was a very decorated place, many paintings were hung against the walls. Jotaro then heard a cough beside him.

"So, Jotaro. How close were you and Kakyoin?" Asked the older man. That question took Jotaro out of guard. "Wait what did you say?"

"You heard me. It's just, you guys barely knew each other. Both of you had less than 50 days to get to know one another. Yet, you guys clicked, in a way." Joseph asked staring directly at Jotaro. Jotaro felt an uneasy feeling creeping its way on to him.

"Well, we were, um, well close. Or at least I thought we were. I don't know what he thought about us. You're right on the clicking part. We just sort of, clicked. Even if I didn't really show it, he meant a lot to me. He still does. Everyday. I could be honest with him. He would listen to me. Look old man. I suck as these things. Point is, he's a really good... friend." Jotaro said, clenching his teeth once he got to 'friend'. Truth is, Jotaro felt closer to him than he has ever felt with anyone. Kakyoin was the only person who made Jotaro feel another sensation. He felt relaxed and happy. He felt good. He always wanted Kakyoin by his side, no matter what. But it kills Jotaro knowing that he ended up being the reason Kakyoin died. He ended up leaving Kakyoin, and because of Jotaro's absence, it got Kakyoin killed.

Jotaro clenched his fists at the thought.

If only I was there with him. He would've still been here. We would've worked together like we always do. We would've defeated Dio, side by side, together. He could've been sitting right next to me. He would've cracked a lame joke, and i'd laugh. He would've been doing that weird cherry trick right now. God was he weird.

Jotaro let out a small smile and a little laugh at the thought of the redhead doing his 'rero rero' cherry trick.

But I wasn't there for him.

"Here you go gentlemen, both of your dishes and drinks, bon appetit!" the same waitress said as she placed both of their dishes in front of them. The waitress took a look at Jotaro, who was slouched over and a sad expression was covering his face, lit cigarette in hand.

"Sir, are you doing alr-"

"Please leave me alone," Whispered the younger man.

Joseph was shocked at what he was hearing. Jotaro didn't curse once. He didn't call the waitress an annoying bitch which surprised the hell out of him. The waitress nodded and left.

"Oi Jotaro... i'm really sorry for bringing this subject back up again. I shouldn't have asked. Let's just, enjoy our meal. Shall we?," Joseph asked patting Jotaro's shoulder, giving it a little squeeze.

"You're right. Let's just eat..."


Hey you, yes you. Go wash your hands 😡

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