Part 3

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"Jotaro... please be sure to take care of yourself! Same goes with you papa. I don't want anything happening to you two," Holly whined as she gave both Jotaro and Joseph a bear hug. Jotaro sighed and hid his face with his hat. Joseph however, held on to his daughter like glue. He couldn't dare to let go.

"I'm gonna miss you my little Holly. Take care of your mom while you're at it now will you my little girl," Joseph smiled as he gave Holly one last hug.

Holly nodded and went running towards her mother. Suzy Q just looked at the two boys and grinned. "Wish both of you the best of luck. Love you Joseph! Love you too Jotaro."

Joseph grinned as he pulled his hat closer to his face. He waved bye and stepped outside of their home, pulling Jotaro with him.


"Ladies and gentlemen United States flight to Paris, France is now closing doors,"

"Jotaro hurry up we're gonna be late!" Joseph yelled as he ran towards the plane, his baggage in hand. Jotaro just sighed and quickened his pace as they both got on their planes to France.


"The food here seems to be pretty good. I didn't expect this from an airplane this shitty. Plus, it's been a long time since we've been in an airplane. Been real afraid to board another plane with you along. Let's just hope we don't crash." Jotaro said as he took a spoonful of his soup. Joseph cracked a laugh and pointed at a map.

"Polnareff said he'll meet us at this place, seems to be his home. Glad he got in contact with us to let us know about the new stand users." Joseph said as he took a bite out of his piece of bread.

"Whatever happened to the guy we confronted back at the restaurant? I completely forgot about him with all the stress in my mind" Jotaro questioned as he turned to look at Joseph. Joseph then had a quick realization. His eyes opened really wide that he somehow managed to choke on his piece of bread.

"I completely forgot about him too! What if he's making his way towards Holly. Oh my god! We have to tell your mother! But how?" Joseph yelled. Soon, all of the attention was on them.

"Calm down old man. Look, everything is gonna be alright. I don't think he followed us back home." Jotaro said as he tried calming down Joseph who seemed to be having a panic attack.

"You're right. You're absolutely right Jotaro." Joseph let out as he started to calm down.

4 hours have gone by and Jotaro tried falling asleep, but due to noisy babies and snoring parents, he just got triggered by all the noise. Somehow Joseph was able to knockout with all the chaos. Jotaro sighed and decided to eat the remaining food he didn't finish. Suddenly, he noticed that a piece of pie was laying on his table. "I assume they left it here for me while I was trying to sleep" said the boy who started inspecting the pie. He took a piece and placed it in his mouth.

Cherry pie.

Memories started to go through his head. Kakyoin. That's all he could think about. The regret he still had. Sure it's been 7 months since the battle and death. Jotaro has been trying to keep a serious demeanor those past few months but any chance he was alone, memories and thoughts came crashing in. He regretted being so serious. He wanted Kakyoin to know that he truly cared about him. He wanted to show him. But his chance was gone. Kakyoin is dead. He couldn't change that. No matter how hard he wanted to, he couldn't bring back the dead.

"Fuck me," Jotaro whispered as tears started to slowly fall off of his face. He brushed his hair away from his face so he could take a closer look at the cherry pie. He let out a weak smile. He tried thinking about the good memories he had with Kakyoin. The good times. Those 50 days. Soon before he knew it, he fell asleep, with Kakyoin being the only thing in his mind the entire time.



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