Part 28

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"Who taught you how to drive? You almost killed us like seven times already," Caesar told Joseph while continuously pointing at the road.

"You're one to talk, you almost killed us because you were too busy talking about how you were Mark's wingman that one time, you almost made him crash the damn car like five times," Joseph barked back, moving the steering wheel more to the left.

"At this point, just start praying guys, who knows which one will kill us first, the car ride to the airport, or the plane ride home," Avdol told the group, closing his eyes and whispering a quiet prayer as the others continued to fight.

"You're right," Polnareff said, following Avdol's words and placing his hands together in a pray like motion.

Jotaro ignored all of them and threw a coffee-flavored gum in front of him, waiting for Iggy to snatch it away mid-air. Iggy did just that and calmed himself as he finally began to quiet down and munch on his gum in silence.

"Why can't you all be like the mutt," He whispered, laying down back in his seat and hiding his face with his hat, trying to get some sleep and avoid any eye contact with Kakyoin. The longer he felt himself next to him, the more his stomach kept on making twists and turns. The thought of knowing he was okay and with him was enough to make him feel complete.

After a few minutes, Jotaro finally felt himself falling asleep before he felt someone being pressed against him. He took off his hat in annoyance to see who it was, only to calm himself once he found out it was Kakyoin's body laying against his. Jotaro was silently shrieking in his mind, panicking, not knowing what to do in this situation, but kept a calm face. He didn't want to disturb him, but he was worried about what the others might think.

Everyone isn't currently paying close attention to me. They're doing their own thing... what do I do now...

Jotaro quietly moved his left arm above Kakyoin's body and slowly brought it down once it was over him, placing it on his back. He then shifted a little closer to him so Kakyoin was in a more comfortable position, now laying against Jotaro's chest. Jotaro brought his hat back down and closed his eyes, letting his head fall down slowly on the top of Kakyoin's head. He didn't care if the others saw him showing some sort of  "affection" towards him anymore. He just brushed the thought aside and put all of his attention to the boy who was sleeping peacefully below him.




"Why's the camera so loud. It's gonna wake them up,"


"Shut up Polnareff, you're big mouth is,"

"Joseph tell your man whore to stop bullying me,"

"Man whore? Really?"

"Both of you calm down,"

"Look at that, you two woke them up. Congratulations,"


Jotaro and Kakyoin gradually both opened their eyes and found Polnareff, Caesar, Joseph, and Avdol looking down at them, with Iggy covering his ears in annoyance. Polnareff was holding one of Joseph's polaroid cameras and Caesar had three of the pictures it had printed out in his hands. Jotaro struggled to keep his eyes open and ignored them, snuggling back where he previously was.

"Uh, Jotaro. I think we h-have to y'know, get up," Someone mumbled. Jotaro cursed them off to be quiet until quickly realizing it was Kakyoin speaking. He looked at the person he was wrapping both arms around and found a flustered Kakyoin struggling to breathe. Jotaro quickly let go and faced forward, only for his eyes to meet everyone covering their laughter with their hands. Jotaro picked up his suitcase and got off the car in an instant with a pissed off expression and ignored everyone's laughter. He pressed his back beside the car and took out a cigarette. He lit it up and let out a puff of smoke. He picked up the suitcase and opened it up. He took a look inside and once he checked that the items were okay, he closed it back up.

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