Part 27

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"Do we have everything?" Joseph asked everyone, turning to look at the ground and kicking a few of the remaining shards of glass on the floor.  Avdol had Iggy in his shoulder and nodded, picking up a few bags and walking outside of the door. Polnareff tried picking up his heavy suitcase but instead started dragging it across the floor, trying to drag it outside of the doorway with a bit of difficulty.

"You do know airports check what's inside and the amount you're allowed to bring, right?" Kakyoin spoke up from behind him, picking up a few more suitcases and heading out the door, staring at Polnareff who was whining about how it wasn't fair they were most likely going to empty out most of the things he'd brought along.

Caesar shook his head at this and picked up the suitcase with ease. Polnareff stopped his tears and gasped with surprise as he looked up at Caesar who was walking towards the doorway.

Caesar carried the suitcase out and placed it on the ground, outside of the house. "There, now stop your whining and complaining and help us load the other bags in the car," He scoffed. Polnareff got up and picked up the lighter bags and placed them in the trunk of the car.

Jotaro grabbed his suitcase and placed it in the back seats of the car, hopping inside as he did so.

"Why don't you leave your suitcase here? You'll have more legroom if you place it in the trunk," Joseph told Jotaro while eyeing the suitcase that was now in-between Jotaro's legs.

"It's fine old man, I don't want it to get damaged in any way, I should be fine too," He replied, taking out a cigarette and his lighter. Kakyoin helped put the last few more bags on the trunk and walked next to Jotaro, resting his arms inside of the car's open window.

"Geez do you have a fucking animal in there? You keep making my curiosity grow with each passing minute," The other boy asked Jotaro. Jotaro lit his cigarette and let out a puff of smoke in front of Kakyoin's face, who brushed the air in front of him in disgust.

"Not telling you just yet," He taunted, blowing one more puff of air on Kakyoin's face. Kakyoin blew it away with his breath and shook his head.

"You know those things are killing you right?"

Jotaro took out a few more cigarettes and placed them in his mouth, pretending to light the others with his lighter.

"Finally," He mumbled out loud in relief, flicking the lighter on.

Kakyoin looked at Jotaro in disappointment and cracked a smile.

"You're so stupid," He let out.

"I was playing," Jotaro grinned, placing the remaining cigarettes back inside the box he originally got them from.

"I was just about to say pass me one too," Kakyoin quietly chuckled. Jotaro took back his grin and stopped placing the cigarettes in their box, a quiet stare looking straight at Kakyoin.

"That wasn't funny," He finally said, taking out his own cigarette. Kakyoin looked up at Jotaro and held his hands in a defensive position.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't funny to say that," He apologized. Kakyoin looked at the ground in embarrassment, just waiting for Jotaro's reply.

"I'm seriously glad you're back, I don't want you to leave me- I mean, all of us again, it sucks not having you do your weird cherry licking thing," Jotaro stuttered, trying to change the topic away from his earlier remark.

Kakyoin seemed to ignore it and he grinned at the thought of his cherry licking trick.

"You do know the only reason I do it half of the time is to annoy you with it right? That look if disgust you gave me once I started doing it was hilarious," He admitted, pressing his arms closer to the top of the open window.

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