Part 26

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Everyone was sitting down in the living room, chatting away, discussing about the upcoming plans and events on how they were going to leave.

"It's been fun working with all of you, thanks once again for helping me, we all seriously appreciate it,"

Every member of the group turned their curious eyes to look at the person who was speaking. Ahe was standing outside of the door with both of her parents in tow, bags swinging on each of their arms.

"Don't mention it, if you ever need any sort of help, you know who to call," Joseph replied as he stepped out of the house as well. Everyone followed him and were all soon outside of the house as well.

"Thank you Mr. Joestar for everything, seriously, we can't thank you all enough. We should be heading out soon however," She spoke up while walking up to Joseph and stretching her hand out. Joseph gladly took and shook it while he smiled at her. She turned to look at Jotaro and his friends and quietly thanked them with a nod of her head. They all nodded back and she started waving goodbye at everyone. She turned to look at Polnareff and flicked him off with both of her middle fingers, her stand who she let out doing the same thing.

"I still hate you, you fucker," She jokingly said as she gave him the finger whilst mocking him with a flick of her tongue. Polnareff chuckled and flickered her off with his fingers as well.

"Fuck you too," he laughed. She chuckled as she grabbed her bags, holding on to them with a tighter grasp and started walking off into the busy streets. She turned to look back at the group one last time and opened one of the bags she had in her arms.

"Forgot to thank you for the candy!" She evilly smirked as she plopped a few pieces in her mouth.

Polnareff's jaw dropped to the ground once he took notice that she had taken his stash of candy.

"You little-" Was all he let out before cracking a light chuckle. Everyone was laughing knowing she was now long gone by the time Polnareff decided to chase after her.

"I'm gonna miss that fucker," Polnareff sighed as he ran back towards the others, walking back inside of his house. The rest of the crusaders followed him and Joseph was the first to speak up once they all settled inside.

"We should all be gathering up our bags too. Come on, let's get too it," He ordered as he ran back to his room. Everyone followed him and started picking up each of the few belongings they have brought, putting everything in suitcases and bags.

"You need any help? I really don't have anything to pack, since, you know, so I figured I could help you" Kakyoin asked Jotaro as he saw him struggling to close his suitcase with some of the small belongings he had brought and gathered in their time in France.

"No, it's fine, I can do this on my own. Don't worry about it," He grunted, still struggling a bit to completely close the suitcase. Kakyoin raised an eyebrow at the sight of Jotaro struggling.

"Come on, put those huge muscles to use, they're not there for decoration," Kakyoin smuggly said, before taking in realization of what he had said and how it came off as. Even the rest of the crusaders stopped in their tracks to look at him. Polnareff, Avdol, and Joseph gave Jotaro a few smirks while Caesar stared at them in confusion, before realizing what was happening and giving Jotaro a raised eyebrow and a smirk of his own. Jotaro hid his face and broke eye contact with the others before putting all of his focus back on the suitcase.

"You're right," Was all he said before letting Star Platinum close the suitcase with enough force to almost break it in half.

Jotaro picked up the suitcase and placed it on his side of the bed, ignoring the stares his friends were giving him and Kakyoin. Kakyoin let out a few fake coughs to break the tension that the others have caused and they all soon turned back to packing their own things and minding their business.

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