Part 23

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At the moment Caesar opened his eyes, Joseph started to get sentimental once again.

"W-where am I? Who are you? Why am I here?" He asked as he backed himself against the wall. Joseph took a step closer to him at his reaction.

"Take one more step and I won't hesitate to kill you old man," Caesar threatened as hamon started to spark up on his fingertips. Joseph stopped immediately and wiped his tears away.

"You really don't remember this devilishly handsome face Caesarino?" Joseph remarked while holding a smirk up to his face. His voice was croaking up a bit as he said this but he held it together as he held his hand upwards, pointing at his face.

Caesar stopped sparking hamon and in shock, looked at Joseph. "Apetta un minuto... Joseph? I recognize that dirty smug smirk on your face." The italian exclaimed. Joseph tipped his hat and pulled Caesar in for a hug, Caesar hesitatingly hugging him back.

"Who are these guys? Why do you look like that? I still have so many questions. How long has it been?" Caesar asked once Joseph pulled himself away from him. Joseph chuckled for a bit and sat next to him. "These guys are the ones who helped bring you back in a way. This goofball right here is Jean-Pierre Polnareff, my good friends  Muhammad Avdol and Noriaki Kakyoin, My buddy Iggy, and my, uh, well grandson Jotaro Kujo." He let out in a whisper at the end. Everyone waved at Caesar who just blankly stared at everyone in surprise and confusion.

"Grandson huh," He mumbled. Joseph lowered his head and nodded. "We have three others in another room."

Caesar nodded and turned to look at Joseph. "You stopped your hamon training didn't you? You've aged well though," He asked while looking at his face, the small wrinkles lifting up as Joseph changed expressions.

"Maybe, I didn't find it as necessary as it was before. There's not much use for it anymore now that I've got this," Joseph said while letting Purple Hermit out. Caesar looked at his hand but saw nothing, just small amounts of hamon floating around. Joseph embarrassingly stopped and apologized.

"I forgot, you can't see stands, forget about what I said," He nervously laughed. Caesar shook his head, a grin now on his face and laid a hand on Joseph's shoulder.  "I missed you you doofus,"

Joseph smiled and ruffled Caesar's blond hair. 

"Aww," Polnareff whispered, gathering the attention of everyone in the room.

Polnareff took notice of this and brushed it off as a cough.

"So you were the one who helped the old man defeat the Pillar Men?" Jotaro asked, his hands in his pocket, looking as smug as ever.

Caesar nodded and that's when a bolt of shock went through his head. 

"Wait, you actually defeated them all?" He asked Joseph. The older man just looked at Caesar in shock and held his head up dramatically. "Wow you didn't believe in me didn't you? Hmph. You didn't have any faith in me. Caesarino. How dare you," Joseph mumbled in a sad tone.

Caesar just slapped himself in irritation and gave Joseph a punch. "That's not what I meant, and stop calling me that, it's embarrassing,".

"I didn't make it in one piece though, look what I can do now Caesarino!" Joseph eagerly said ignoring what Caesar had told him. He took off his artificial left hand and handed it to Caesar, who just threw it on the ground in disgust. Joseph started cracking up into a fit of laughter as he looked at his friends shocked face.

The others just stared at both of them as Joseph continued to play around with his friend, showing him a few tricks and telling him about the things he has gathered up during the years he was gone.

"Let's leave them alone so they can properly catch up, yeah?" Kakyoin quietly whispered to Jotaro. Jotaro gave Kakyoin a nod and they both excused themselves out of the room. They both went down the stairs and sat in the living room.

"Wow, look at this," Kakyoin said in awe, as he walked close to the framed picture Polnareff had of them. He slowly took it off the wall it was hanging and stared at it in silence. Jotaro followed close behind him and looked down at the picture as well.

"Jeez, why do I look like that," Kakyoin chuckled as he pointed at himself in the frame. "What do you mean, you look good. Me on the other ha-" Jotaro managed to say before Kakyoin placed a finger on top of Jotaro's lips, silencing him before he could finish his sentence. Jotaro felt himself turn red again and Kakyoin, now noticing what he did, immediately retracted his pointer finger back, blushing hard himself.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me, haha," Kakyoin embarrassingly said, covering his face with the hair that was dangling of to his side. Jotaro shook his head and laid his hands in Kakyoin's broad shoulders.

"What? no it's fine. I didn't mind-" Jotaro said before just facepalming himself.

Just shut up. Just shut up. Just shut up. Don't say anything else. You're making this worse. This is why you shouldn't say anything. What happened to barely even showing any emotion? What happened to just letting them figure it out on their own? Just stop.

Thoughts raced through Jotaro's head left and right until he finally decided to shut up and not say another word. Kakyoin chuckled to break the silence and tension in the air and placed the framed picture back on the wall.

"Anyways, uh, do you want to head out somewhere? Catch me up on a few more things? I don't know," Kakyoin said, making his way towards the door.

"Uh yeah sur-" Jotaro mumbled, picking up a water bottle and chugging half of it down in a panic.

"I want to come too!"

Both boys turned around to see Polnareff resting his body against the staircase. He walked towards Kakyoin, who was now in front of the door and opened it, making room for Kakyoin and Jotaro to walk out through.

"Alright then," Kakyoin grinned.

Both boys made their way towards the door and Polnareff let out a "Ladies first," as Jotaro went through the door. Jotaro gave Polnareff a cold look and Polnareff only returned it with a laugh. Kakyoin even laughed at this and softly pushed Jotaro forward.

"You heard him, ladies first Jotaro," Kakyoin chuckled, placing a hand on Jotaro's shoulder. Jotaro smiled at this and ruffled Polnareff's hair, who was now next to him, causing him to screech in fear.

"My hair!" He yelled, brushing it upwards in an attempt to fix it.

"That's what you get," Jotaro smiled.

"What about him?? He laughed and you didn't do anything to him! That's not fair at all!" Polnareff exclaimed while dramatically crossing his arms and huffing in the process. Jotaro gave Kakyoin a cold look but Kakyoin was smiling hard, causing Jotaro to break his stern expression. "He's nice,"

"Sureeeeeee. Is it just because he's nice? Or is it beca- HEYYYYYY," Polnareff screamed out as Jotaro poured all of the remaining water he had in his water bottle running down Polnareff's hair. Kakyoin burst out laughing as he saw the sight in front of him. Jotaro even turned around to smile at his creation. Jotaro then turned to look at Kakyoin.

"You aren't getting it easy either Kakyoin," Jotaro said as he gave Kakyoin another cold expression.

"What do you mean?" Kakyoin nervously laughed. Jotaro then pulled out another water bottle he hid from behind him and opened it, throwing the cap on the floor. Kakyoin noticed and started running off to who knows where, Jotaro chasing after him, splashing water anytime he got close to him.

"Guys? You forgot about me!" Polnareff yelled as he ran after them, still trying to fix his hair on the way.

10K? I don't deserve this. You guys are so nice in the comments 🥺🤧. Thank you ppl. Like, a lot. Anyways, stream Fighting Gold by Coda.

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