Part 5

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Jotaro opened his eyes. He looked around at his surroundings. The old man was shaking him.

"Hurry up grandson! We just landed! Damn does it feel good to arrive safe and sound now doesn't it?" Remarked Joseph as he dragged Jotaro off of the plane.

"Good grief old man. I was sleeping." Growled Jotaro as he pushed Joseph out of the way. Joseph chuckled and followed Jotaro outside.


"You got everything?" Joseph asked as he turned to look at Jotaro who had a handful of bags. "What does it look like? Come on and help me," Jotaro said as he dropped a few bags on the floor. Joseph raced to pick them up and gave Jotaro a scowl.

"Alright, Polnareff is supposed to pick us up if I recall. Where could that frenchman b-" Joseph spoke but was soon interrupted by yelling.

"Bonjour Jojo! Mr. Joestar, Over here!" They heard a familiar voice yell at them. They turned around only to find a familiar looking man with his straight upright silver hairstyle. Jean Pierre Polnareff. The Joestars smiled and the frenchman ran up to them, giving both of them a tight hug.

"Aw I missed you two. Those 7 months felt weird without Jojo's emo mood and Mr. Joestars awful dad jokes." Polnareff laughed as he took off Jotaro's hat and ruffled his hair.

"Missed you too Polnareff," Jotaro smiled as he snatched his hat back from Polnareff.

"Whatttt! My jokes aren't awful! You just lack a good sense of humor. That's all." Joseph huffed as he let out a small laugh.

Polnareff laughed and turned to look at their bags. "Why bring so many bags, aren't we gonna just find the stand users and go back to normal? You guys packed as if you guys were gonna stay for weeks!"

Jotaro looked at the bags. Then he turned to look back at his grandfather. "He's got a point. I only packed one extra pair of clothing. What the hell do you even have in here?"

Joseph let out an awkward laugh. "Well you see, I brought a bag full of seven cameras, one bag full of American candy, one bag for my clothes, one bag fo-"

"Jeez, I think we get it Mr. Joestar!" Polnareff laughed as he took a peak inside one of the bags. "Yum, I think I found the American candy bag," He giggled, grabbing a bar of Carlos V chocolate bars. Polnareff stared at them and gave Joseph a confused look. "Are you even sure these are American? I believe this is a Mexican candy bar!" Polnareff laughed as he took a bite.

"I'm sorry! I just grabbed candy and left! I just figured they were American candy since I got them from America. Duh." Joseph said in his defense. All three of the men started laughing their asses off.

"Alright guys, come on! Let's get in my car. Let me help you with this." Said the silver haired as he grabbed the candy bag.

"Don't eat all of it. Leave some for the rest of us." Jotaro said as they started walking towards Polnareff's car.


"Bienvenue chez moi!" Polnareff said as he opened the door to his house. It was pretty big, compared to the house both Joestar's were living in. "Jeez it's ginormous! You sure you live here alone?" Joseph said in awe as he started walking around, dropping the bags on the floor.

"Just me old man," Polnareff said taking another bite from a candy bar.

"Do you ever get lonely?" Jotaro asked as he sat on the couch. Polnareff sighed and nodded, his face dropping to the floor. "It really does not gonna lie. I was pretty stoked once I got in contact with you guys to tell you about the 7 stands I found lurking the streets. I felt as if, everything was gonna go back to normal once I got here at first, my childhood home, you know? But I just... I don't know. I really missed you guys. That's the whole point. I'm really glad you guys are here." Polnareff said as he turned to look at both of them, a wide smile on his face. Both Joestar's looked at Polnareff and gave him a smile.

"Alright, I'll let you guys settle in for a bit. I'll get your rooms ready." Polnareff said as he left.

Both the Joestar's turned to look at each other. "It feels nice, being here in France, with good ol' Polnareff. God did I miss him," Joseph said looking at some paintings. "Wow, look at this," Joseph said grabbing a framed picture of all six of them. Jotaro, Polnareff, Joseph, Avdol, Iggy, and... Kakyoin. Joseph handed the picture to Jotaro. Jotaro grabbed it and stared at the picture. He took one look at Avdol, another at Iggy, but his eyes just landed on Kakyoin. They just sort of locked at the sight of him. He couldn't take his eyes off of him.

"Kakyoin... gosh do I miss you... I can't move on..." Jotaro whispered. He ran his fingers over the picture. Over Kakyoin's still image. He placed his finger on his face. He missed him dearly. Jotaro closed his eyes and put the framed image next to him. He clenched his teeth as he tried to swallow his feelings away. He couldn't hide them anymore. He just sort of broke down. Tears started shooting out of his eyes, streams falling down his face.

"Jotaro!" Joseph said as he ran up to him. "I'm f-fine old man... I swear." Jotaro tried telling his grandfather. Only for his words to come out in stutters. "No. No you're not. Talk to me, please, i'm begging you. I'm here for you Jojo." Joseph said wrapping his arms around his grandson.  "Shh. Talk to me." The old man let out.

"What's wrong?" Polnareff said coming right back to the living room, his eyes glancing at Jotaro's face covered in his own tears and Joseph comforting him. Polnareff ran up to Jojo and gave him a bear hug. He then spotted the framed picture he once had hung up next to Jotaro.

"Oh... I see," Polnareff whispered as he tightened his hug.

"I miss them so goddamn much. You guys don't know how much I want them to be here... with us. I'd kill for them... I'd kill to have just a few more seconds with them here..." Jotaro managed to let out, his tears slowly stopping.

"Me too Jotaro. We both do. We all do. If only there was a way to bring them back..." Polnareff let out.


Joseph and Jotaro turned to look at Polnareff.

"Unless what! Tell me Polnareff!" Jotaro yelled, wiping his tears from his face, his full concentration on Polnareff.

"We get one of the enemy stands to help us bring them back to life..."


Do you guys seem to enjoy this story? I really don't know if I should continue it honestly haha. I don't know if I should scrap this and make another one where it's just Kakyoin and Jotaro. Let me know. I want to know what you guys are thinking.

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