Part 22

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"So these are the guys you've all been risking your own lives to save huh," Ahe remarked as she stared at Kakyoin, Avdol, and Iggy who were walking besides the other crusaders. "That one however, threw me off," She added while pointing her finger at Caesar, who was still being held by a sorrow looking Joseph.

"I think it threw everyone off, he still hasn't even explained to us his connection with him," Jotaro responded while giving his grandfather another glance. Joseph seemed to be ignoring the entire group, having his full attention focused on Caesar.

Everyone was now making their way back to Polnareff's house since they all believed that the hospital would be really suspicious and give them looks once they'd find out about how three supposedly dead people, and a dog, were now alive.

As soon as they arrived, they forcefully opened the door and made their way into the rooms both Joseph and Jotaro had been staying in during their visit. Ahe led her mothers into her room and the others went behind Jotaro. Kakyoin took a seat on his bed, both Avdol and Iggy following and sitting down after him.

Joseph placed Caesar on his bed and draped the covers over his unconscious body. He left the room and came back with a pack of ice he stole from Polnareff's fridge in an instant. He put a couple of ice cubes on a rag and held it over Caesar's forehead, just waiting for him to at least open his eyes.

"Mr. Joestar, can you explain to us who this guy is? He doesn't seem a year older than 20? What's your connection with him?" Polnareff questioned. Joseph didn't respond and the entire group laid in silence for a while, before Joseph finally broke it with a few whispers.

"His name is Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, and he was one of my uh... best friends, to be honest. I met him in Venice, in which he helped me defeat the pillar men, you know? The guys i've told you all about,"

Everyone suddenly got up in shock.

"Wait a minute, he's the one who you've told us about? The bubbley launchery guy? Didn't you say he annoyed the everlasting shit out of you?" Polnareff asked in confusion once more. Joseph cracked a smile at this and shook his head.

"Of course he annoyed me, but that didn't mean I didn't care about him. Sure he got on my nerves a lot, and most of the time he wouldn't even take me seriously, but it's Caesar... he always comes around," He let out before gripping Caesar's hand.

"This may sound cheesy, and kind of wrong, since I am married to Suzie, but I sort of had a connection with him too, one really similar to the one I had with her,"

This made everyone's jaw drop to the floor.

"Are you saying, that you and him sort of liked each other?" Kakyoin asked. Joseph blushed at this and covered his burning face with his hat.

"Yeah... sort of," He mumbled.

Polnareff giggles at this and came closer to Joseph. He took a glance at Caesar and giggled some more.

"Italian boys huh, why is everyone in this room gay-" He managed to let out before Joseph landed a punch on him. Polnareff fell back down and groaned in pain. He looked at his nose and it was pouring out thick blood. "What was that for!" He complained as he ran back to his kitchen, preparing himself an ice pack. Jotaro felt himself being really tense at this. Nobody else in the room knew he was gay, or at least attracted to a particular male in the room.

Am I gay, or am I bi? I know I like Kakyoin... but that's the only time I felt any real feelings towards someone. I guess what really matters right now is that I like him... and only him...

"Well we're gonna go check up on Polnareff and Ahe was it?" Avdol calmly said as he got up. Iggy jumped on his shoulder and they both left the room, leaving Joseph, Caesar, Jotaro, and Kakyoin alone.

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