Part 18

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"Caesar Zeppeli... is that really you?" Cried out Joseph. Joseph slowly crawled his way towards his old friend and held him in his arms. Tears fell off of Joseph's face and landed on the blonde italian's unconscious face. Joseph quietly sobbed as he stared at his friend.

"....It's been quite a long time hasn't it?" He whispered, caressing his face. A small grin cracked on the older ones face as he looked at his face.

But in an instant, Joseph felt a sharp pain behind him. A huge gash of blood came gushing out of his back by the sudden attack. Joseph fell on top of his friend and blood covered both of their clothing. Joseph slowly got up and looked around his surroundings.

Even more fog.

He turned to look back at Caesar and remembered their original plan.

Push them out of the fog and lead them to safety.

Joseph quickly picked up Caesar and tried pushing him out of the fog but two more slashes landed on Joseph's legs.

He groaned in pain and fell to the ground once more, accidentally dropping his friend in the process. Joseph, now panicking, tried running up towards Caesar to make sure he was alright but even more blood shot out of his legs and back.

We're all gonna die trying to save our dead loved ones... Joseph thought.

He didn't give up however, he ripped his shirt off and wrapped each of his legs with it, an attempt to temporarily stop the bleeding.

"Pretty impressive Joestar. Many haven't thought of doing that because of the panic they felt. You should be proud." A whisper spoke behind Joseph. A shivering sensation went down Joseph's spine as the whisper went through his ears.


"Caesar? Who the hell is Caesar?" Jotaro whispered in confusion. He brushed off the comment and stared below at Kakyoin's unconscious body.

Is he breathing? Is he really alive? Is Aramis playing games with us? I can't believe it. He's really here...

Many thoughts went through Jotaro's head as he looked at Kakyoin. That day was the only day in which Jotaro showed his true feelings. He let the 'cold and serious Jotaro' he was to cover what he truly felt out. Instead, an open and emotional Jotaro was unleashed.

Jotaro checked Kakyoin's pulse and indeed, his red head was alive. Jotaro wiped away the tears that were falling off of his cheeks away. His eyes were getting blurry from the tears and he needed to concentrate. He needed to properly save Kakyoin. Jotaro pushed Kakyoin on top of his right shoulder and kept a look out. He remembered what Polnareff had told them earlier...

He'll try and attack you with some sort of blade whenever you let your guard down. Stay focused and concentrated. He'll try to find an opening.

Jotaro slowly started walking towards the fog and let out Star Platinum. Star Platinum attacked any little thing that moved or made any noise. Star Platinum caught sight of a shiny reflection and raced at it. Jotaro took this as an opportunity to run towards the fog. Jotaro raced at it and tried shoving Kakyoin to the other side. It was tough at first, but Jotaro ended up finally pushing Kakyoin to the other side. He stood there and watched as his red head hit the barely visible concrete floor. He flinched at the sight of hurting Kakyoin but it had to be done in order to save him. The fog grabbed Jotaro and pushed him back inside. Jotaro crashed against the fog but it felt like he was thrown against bricks. He fell to the floor in pain and coughed up blood.

"You actually did it..." Whispered Aramis in a bit of a shock.

"Yes... I fucking... did..." Jotaro groaned as he spat out even more blood. He stood up and closed his eyes. He opened them once again and stared at... Kakyoin?


Polnareff couldn't believe his eyes. Joseph's comment and cries were pushed back as he stared at his friends. He smiled and ran up to them.

"Avdol? Avdol? Iggy? Wake up. We have to get you guys out of here!" Polnareff yelled as he shook Avdol's unconscious body around. He picked up Iggy and shook him up a little.

"Come on you little bastard. Wake up." He mumbled.


Shoot. We have to get them out and they can't interfere. I completely forgot my own rules.

Polnareff struggled to pick up Avdol's strong build and his large coat definitely wasn't helping. Once he properly had Avdol in his arms, he picked up Iggy's small body and tucked him in Avdol's coat.

"I got you guys, don't worry, I'm not losing you guys again. I'm finally gonna be the one to save you. No need to save me anymore," He quietly let out as he slowly walked out of the fog. A blade slit his legs open a bit and Polnareff winced in pain, but didn't let that stop him. He regained his balance and continued walking out of the fog.

"Seems like you learned a bit didn't you..."

Polnareff ignored the voice that was whispering to him. Dedication filled his eyes as he now marched and stomped his way through the fog. It got harder and harder as Aramis' stand kept on slashing and slashing at his legs. Polnareff couldn't take it anymore and let Silver Chariot out with rage in his eyes. Silver Chariot slashed onto Aramis' stand. It didn't seem to do anything however, He just kept on slashing, until all you could see was skin, blood, and flesh sticking out of whatever remained of Polnareff's legs. Polnareff finally made it to the other side and pushed Avdol and Iggy out.

"I did it..." Let out Polnareff as he fell down, hitting his head in a large stone and knocking himself unconscious.




I just realized I made some people cry last chapter... how about this time?

Also thanks for all the votes doods and doodettes. I really appreciate it. And getting this lil fanfic 3K views??? Like holy fuck???

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