Part 17

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"Finally, after six stand users we're here. We're finally gonna get to Aramis and at last shall he bring our friends back," Polnareff sighed with happiness. Everyone smiled and sat down. They were in his living room since it was the only place without that many shards of glass on the ground.

"Right you are Polnareff, now, shall we find that bastard?" Asked Joseph as he turned to look at the entire group. Everyone nodded with determination and Joseph yelled out Hermit Purple once more and out came another picture.

Joseph didn't look at the picture and slowly gave it to Jotaro. "You should be the one to look at it first," He said as he placed it in his hand. Jotaro looked at the picture then back at his grandfather. He gave a small smile and flipped the picture over. There he was. Aramis Nachman.

"Who the hell names their child Aramis. That's such a stupid name," Ahe croaked from behind.

"Who the hell names their child Ahe," Polnareff whispered. Ahe turned to look at him and gave him a scowl. He only shrugged it off and payed his attention back to the picture.

"Long black flowing hair. Demonic red eyes. Punchable face. Is this our man," Jotaro said as he showed Ahe and Polnareff the picture. Both of them took one look and immediately nodded.

"That's our guy," They both said. Jotaro looked at the picture again and used Star Platinum to detect his exact location.

"He seems to be in a cemetery, Mount Blake Cemetery to be exact." He analyzed. He handed the picture back to Joseph and got up. "We should get ready, Polnareff, as always, lead the way."

Polnareff nodded and left to get a bag. Ahe sat down next to Joseph and they both made convo. Jotaro looked at the framed picture and a smile crawled up his face.

Today is the day. Today you're going to be in my arms. Safe with me. I'm not gonna let anyone take you away from me.

Jotaro smiles at his thoughts as he stared at the framed picture of the crusaders, his eyes stuck on Kakyoin the entire time. His eyes roamed and looked at both Avdol and Iggy.

We're gonna get both of you too. Don't you dare worry.

Jotaro looked away and waited for the crusaders to get their belongings.

"Let's do this,"


Everyone made it to the cemetery. The sky immediately faded into a grayishy color as soon as they entered through the gates. It was awfully quiet. Misty. Foggy. Empty. They could feel the thin air slowly closing in on them. They knew they were in Aramis' presence. They all sensed it, the coldness around them.

"I don't like this one bit guys..." Polnareff mumbled. He stuck close to Ahe but she responded by just shoving him away. Joseph shook his head at the two of them. "Come here Polnareff," he whispered as he pulled Polnareff close to him.

The crusaders were walking around the cemetery, passing by tombstones as they each took a step.

"I'll send Honey Lavender to scour the surroundings." Ahe stated as she released her stand. Honey Lavender looked around and took off, eyeing any suspicious movement. They continued walking around. Joseph took out the picture and held it upwards.

"Where could he be?" He whispered to himself. Suddenly, they heard a stick break in half. Startling everyone.

"Um... w-who exactly broke it?" Polnareff asked with fear. Joseph walked up to it and examined it.

"Maybe it fell off of that tree right there, and the wind pushed it all the way over here?" Joseph questioned. He stood back up and walked back to where his friends were.

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