Part 4

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Jotaro opened his eyes, confused, not knowing where he was. All that he saw was the silhouette of a person, far far away. He looked at his surroundings, a light blue sky, he seemed to be laying on a plain field full of grass and flowers. Jotaro stood up and adjusted his hat. He took a moment to appreciate the view.

"Jotaro..." He heard the voice call again. He knew that voice... It sounded so familiar...


Jotaro jerked back up and tried to desperately find the source of that voice. He turned to look at the location the silhouette had been, but it was gone.

"No no no no no," Jotaro yelled as he was trying to find the silhouette. He started running. "Kakyoin! Where are you! Are you really here?" He yelled as his legs kept on running, he didn't plan to stop at all. All he did was continue running.

"Jotaro," The voice called again.

"I'm right here,"

Jotaro turned around only to set his eyes on... Kakyoin. The tall redhead himself. Kakyoin's eyes met Jotaro's. Jotaro felt nothing but absolute shock and joy as he ran towards the redhead and pulled him into a hug. Tears started falling off of his face once again. But not tears of sadness... more like tears of happiness. Of joy.

"Jotaro. It's me. Don't cry. I'm right here," Kakyoin whispered into Jotaro's ear, hugging him tight.

Jotaro felt the biggest smile creep up to his face. He has never smiled that hard. His eyes just swelled with happiness.

"Kakyoin, I- I just-" Jotaro couldn't even finish his sentence from the joy he felt. He just couldn't believe it. It felt so real. It feels too real...

"Kakyoin... Am I dead? Did the plane crash?" Jotaro asked in concern, staring into Kakyoin's lavender eyes. Gosh he could get lost in them.

"No Jotaro. You didn't die. I'm real. Or so. Somewhat. Haha." Kakyoin laughed.

This took Jotaro off guard.

"What do you mean by that..." Asked the black haired boy, his expression changing drastically, from absolute joy to sorrow in the matter of a few seconds.

Suddenly everything seemed to crash. All Jotaro started to see was black.

"No no no. Kakyoin. Where are you! I am not losing you again! Not today!" Jotaro yelled. He tried to pull Star Platinum, but he couldn't. Nothing seemed to happen.


No answer.

Soon, all he could see was black.



"Jotaro! Wake up!"

"I'm f-fucking dying!"

Jotaro once again opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. No more blue sky. No more green fields. No more flowers. No more Kakyoin...

All he saw was the inside of a plane. He turned to his left and all he saw was Joseph... being choked by an invisible presence?

"The- Sta-and user i-is in the p-plane!" Jotaro struggled out. Jotaro turned his head and tried looking for the stand user. Every patient was asleep. Jotaro jumped out of his seat and started walking around the plane. Carefully taking quiet steps towards the bathroom. There seemed to be someone inside. It couldn't be anyone but the stand user based on the quiet wicked laugh they had just released.

Jotaro took out his stand and Star Platinum knocked the door down. Sure enough, there was a man hiding in there. Jotaro took a closer look and it turned out to be... the old manager back at the restaurant?

"Oh you found out I followed you guys now didn't you... that's too bad. You're old man should be dead by now... you know... If you let me choke him for approximately 3 more minutes." The man said as he turned to look at Jotaro with his cold dead eyes. Jotaro clenched his teeth and took this as an opportunity to beat the shit out of the man while he was laughing his dirty ass off.

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" was all that was heard as Jotaro started to beat the crap out of the man. Soon enough, the invisible grasp choking Joseph to death started to weaken, and then after a couple of seconds it was gone. Joseph held his neck as he tried catching his breath.

"Good luck trying to take my old man away. That bastard always finds a way to cheat death. Thought you were more powerful than Dio however. So far, you were my easiest opponent yet," Jotaro said with a smug look in his face as he turned to look at the bleeding mess he created. Jotaro then landed one more punch on him, the mans body flinching from the hard impact.

"And that's for ruining my good sleep... Yare yare daze. Can't even enjoy a nap." Jotaro let out while adjusting his hat once again, moving it closer to his eyes.

Jotaro made his way back towards his seat, and surprisingly, everyone was still sleeping peacefully. Joseph turned to look at Jotaro in disbelief. "Oh my god can you really take a nap! Didn't know you were such a deep sleeper. I could've been dead if you didn't wake up."

"It's the stress old man." Jotaro sighed sitting back down and placing his head on the window seat.

"Still thinking about the upcoming stands? Or... K-"

"Yes. Yes I am. Can you please leave me alone. I'm trying to sleep." Jotaro whisper-yelled at his grandfather. Joseph held his arms in a defensive manner and let Jotaro alone.

"Yare yare... finally..." Let out the boy as his mind started to wonder off... Thinking about the redhead once again.


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