Part 15

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"What's wrong Mr. Kujo, is everything alright?" A female voice asked with a tone of concern.

Jotaro opened his eyes and was once again blinded by the bright lights in the room. "No no no," He spoke out in a frantic. Tears started to fall off of his face. "Kakyoin, are you here?" He yelled, searching around the room with his eyes. A women who was standing in front of Jotaro went up to the boy and laid him down with force.

"Sir you have to stay put. You can't leave just yet. No one here is named Kakyoin. They aren't here," She said while pinning him down. Jotaro sobbed quietly once those words left her mouth and started to relax his muscles and strength. The women let go and grabbed a clip board.

"Have you taken a look at your hand Mr. Kujo?" She asked while pointing and his right hand. Jotaro slowly turned to look at his right hand when his jogged memory came back. He remembered Ruiz. He clearly remembered how he made his hand disappear. Jotaro locked his eyes on his right hand and instead of seeing his normal hand, he saw an artificial one, just like his grandfathers. He was in a bit of shock when he started to move his fingers, one by one.

"I am with the Speedwagon Foundation and I was contacted by your grandfather to take you in my care. Your friends are right outside this door by the way." She said while pulling her glasses closer to her face and writing a few things in her clipboard. Jotaro didn't even listen to what she had to say. All that was going through his head was Kakyoin and what happened in his dream.

Was it really a dream? It can't be. It felt too real. Ugh what am I thinking, it's obviously a dream. Does Kakyoin also share the same feelings I have for him? He seemed to. Jotaro what the hell are you even saying. Kakyoin only shared the same feelings because you wanted him too. He was only created in a way you wanted him to be.

Jotaro gave himself a facepalm and sighed. At least he now knew and identified his feelings towards Kakyoin. He loved him. That gave him even more motivation to hunt down Aramis.

"Hey Jotaro, how are you doing?" A voice spoke from behind Jotaro. Jojo turned his head and met eye contact with his grandfather. Polnareff and Ahe followed behind him.

"Good seeing you old man. I'm doing fine." Jotaro mumbled, still thinking about his dream.

Joseph gave his grandson a confused look and questioned him even more.

"Jotaro, what's the matter, is it the fact you lost your right hand?" Asked Joseph.

"No, I could care less about my hand. I could lose my entire body and I wouldn't care." He grumbled. Jotaro tried getting up from the bed he was laying in but Polnareff ran up to him and slowly sat him back down.

"You can't get up just yet dude, you still have a few injuries," He ordered while blocking Jotaro's way.

"Yare yare daze, come on. I'm doing fine. Really. Let's get out of here," Jotaro snapped as he picked up his hat off of a table and placed it on his head. The three other members sighed and followed Jotaro out the door.


"You've been really quiet lately, are you positive you're good?" Ahe asked Jotaro. All four of them were walking towards Polnareff's house.

"I'm positive goddamn," He hissed as he shoves her out of his way. This caused Ahe to get irritated.

"Chill man, i'm just worried about you okay? You know what, fuck you. I don't even want to be here. The only reason i'm with you guys is to catch Aramis and so far we aren't making any progress. It's pathetic and sad really. I could've been making more progress if I was hunting him by myself. All you guys are doing is slowing me down," She ranted angrily, causing the entire group to stop in their tracks.

Jotaro stood there quiet, with no sign of expression on his face. After a few minutes he finally spoke up.

"I had a very, emotional dream. The guy I am trying so hard to save was in it. It's a very touchy subject for me. I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to stay there, with him. But then I got out of it, it just, broke me... okay?" Jotaro quietly muttered. He hid his burning face with his hat and sat there in silence, waiting for whatever the others might say.


"Oh... I had no idea... Im sorry Kujo... I really am..." Ahe quietly said. "I'm sorry for saying all of those things to you,"

"I guess i'm sorry for shoving you away too," Jotaro huffed.

Joseph and Polnareff laid there in astonishment as they finally figured out what Jotaro had said.

"Wait wait wait, back it up! Is Jotaro in love!?" Polnareff squealed as he vigorously grabbed Joseph's shoulder. "Oh my god! Jotaro!" The older man gasped.

This only caused Jotaro to take off his hat and cover his entire face with it as his face was now red as hell with the comments his friends were making.

"Ahhhh! Jotaro? In love? Oh my god! I expected Polnareff to be the first one to actually fall in love but you?" Joseph yelled with joy. Ahe laid there in confusion. "I'm still so confused, so i'm just gonna stay here," She said.

"Wait, wait, wait, with Kakyoin?" Both of the males asked in sync. Jotaro still laid there profusely blushing and slowly nodded, hat still in face.

"Ahhhhh!" The two other males squealed as they jumped around Jotaro.

"No wonder the two of you guys clicked in an instant. I just thought you guys were best friends but nope! Jotaro was gay for Kakyoin," Joseph laughed as he patted Jotaro's back, causing the blushing man to stumble down a bit.

"That explains all the 'get out of my face you bitch' and 'you're all so fucking annoying' he always yells at girls! He had the hots for guys!" Polnareff said trying to imitate Jotaro's comments towards females.

"Back it up, Jotaro do you think im hot," Polnareff asked while giving Jotaro a pose and a wink. Jotaro looked at him and choked on his saliva.

"God no," The boy groaned. "Can we uh, leave now," He quietly mumbled as he started walking off towards the direction of Polnareff's house. The other males chuckled and followed him as well.

"Ohhhhh," Was all that came out of Ahe as she ran towards them.


I love Polnareff and Joseph here. Anyways, guys I kinda want to start an art book. Everyone has one and I feel left out 💀. I just don't know if anyone will view it. Should I start one?

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