Part 10

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"Hermit purple!" Yelled Joseph, slamming his good hand against a camera. Polnareff and Jotaro backed up as the shards of Joseph's polaroid flew everywhere. "You do know you're gonna clean up your mess once you're done right?" Polnareff remarked looking at the broken shards on his floor.

"Yeah yeah, now let's take a look at the stand user Polnareff, don't get distracted," Joseph said pointing his finger at the picture. Polnareff gasped in annoyance and took a look at the picture. Jotaro picked it up and examined it.

"Hmm, seems to be another female stand user. She appears to have long brown flowing hair, with a bit of blonde. Based on the angle this picture was taken, she seems to be around the height of 5'2... and hey, look at that, she has some sort of nasty scar on her leg. We can identify her that way." Jotaro claims showing the rest the picture. A short female was shown standing against a wall in the frame. Her clothing was a light tint of lavender.

"Let me see that! You make her sound so pretty. I want to know if she's hot!" Polnareff giggled as he snatched the picture away from Jotaro. Jotaro groaned and stared at Polnareff. The frenchmen examined the photo and his eyes just got bigger.

"Ooo la la. She's definitely my type. Too bad we have to kill her however," Polnareff said frowning at the end. Jotaro took back the picture and gave it to Joseph.

"Alright, now to find her surroundings..." Joseph whispered, moving the image closer to his face. Suddenly his face lit up.

"Take a look at this, look at the writing on the walls around her. It seems like it's a different language doesn't it? Definitely not french," Joseph said pointing at some writing on the walls next to the female. Jotaro took a closer look at the picture.

"Naoí tou Día. It's greek for Zeus' Temple. Polnareff, does that sound familiar?" Jotaro asked Polnareff. Polnareff took a moment to think and soon turned to look at them.

"If I recall correctly, it's a large open field with a lot of statues. Greek statues actually. Why would she be there?" Polnareff asks.

"Who knows, but we have to get going," Jotaro replied running out Joseph's room and out the house.


"Thanks for visiting Naoí tou Día! Here we have statues of the great Greek gods. Zeus the god of thunder, Athena the goddess of wisdom, Ares the god of war, heck we have them all!" Said a bystander handing Polnareff and Jotaro a flyer. Both men took the flyers and started roaming around the area.

"Based on the picture, the stand user has to be around a yellow wall with greek text..." Jotaro said looking at his surroundings. The two men looked around until they saw a hallway with the same color of walls the picture had.

They both started heading towards the direction. Jotaro suddenly got a cold feeling. "Hey Polnareff... do you feel that?" Asked the younger male. Polnareff looked around and held his arms around his body. "It's getting a bit creepy... I don't like this one bit,"

They headed closer and deeper into the hallway only to end up in a small room with ancient greek artifacts in place. Once both men entered the room, the doors on the side slammed themselves shut. Jotaro and Polnareff jumped in surprise. Suddenly, a female voice spoke up.

"Such amazing artifacts, right boys?" She said, her voice as cold as ice. Polnareff and Jotaro turned to look at each other and released Silver Chariot and Star Platinum.

"Show yourself! Where are you!" Polnareff yelled, jumping into a defensive stance.

"Why would I let you both know? It's fun watching both of you from here. Pretty entertaining not gonna lie," The voice said again. Out of nowhere, Polnareff felt a sharp pain on his leg. He looked at his leg and it was goosing out blood. Blood shot out from his right leg and the frenchman yelled in pain.

"Oh now I have had it with you!" Polnareff yelled sending Silver Chariot towards the artifacts. He started slashing every single one of them, trying to find the stand user by destroying all of the possible hiding places.

They heard a quiet sigh from above them. Jotaro took a glance above and felt the roof with Star Platinum. "The roof doesn't seem to be strong enough to carry a person, it's so light and weak." He whispered towards Polnareff.

Jotaro's Star Platinums quick reflexes caught sight of a small dagger making its way towards Jotaro's exposed back and caught it before it made contact with him. Jotaro took a glance at the direction it was thrown at and threw the dagger right back with twice the speed of a bullet. But without even noticing, a purple stand quickly slashed Jotaro's shoulder as his attention was focused on the daggers speed and direction. Jotaro fell back in surprise and took a glance at the stand.

"Well you finally decided to show yourself?" Polnareff smirked sending Silver Chariot towards the stand. Silver Chariot raced towards the mysterious purple stand and slashed his sword towards it, only for it to disappear in the matter of seconds. Suddenly Polnareff felt another sharp pain in his back as the stand teleported behind him and slashed his back with a few of the broken shards Polnareff destroyed with his Silver Chariot. Polnareff fell back down and winced in pain.

Jotaro groaned with pure annoyance and stood still. He was waiting for any movement the stand could make. All that was heard was silence. No noise other than Polnareff's cries of pain. Then all of a sudden, another dagger was making itself towards Jotaro's face but once Star Platinum caught it, he threw the dagger on the ground and Star Platinum's fingers got longer. "Star Finger!" Yelled Jotaro as Star Platinum's fingers shot out and pierced something behind them.

"Jotaro! What the hell are you doing! The dagger didn't come from there! Why would you throw it behind yo-" Polnareff yelled out in confusion but soon his eyes made contact with the purple stand who had Star Platinums fingers going through its body. "Ahh I see what you did there, you're pretty dang smart Jotaro!"

The purple stand fell in pain and laid on the floor in pure shock. "What! How did you catch Honey Lavender! That's impossible!" Yelled the female stand user in utter shock.

"Good grief," Jotaro smirked as he let Star Platinum take care of the rest. Star Platinum started to wreck the absolute living daylights out of Honey Lavender, leaving it on the brink of death.

"I'm gonna get to your leader you know! I'm not gonna let you get out of here alive!" The women yelled once more as she made Honey Lavender teleport behind Jotaro and leaving a huge scar on his back, tearing right through his school uniform. Jotaro yelled as he fell to the ground.

"Wait wait wait, you said leader. We aren't working for anybody?" Polnareff commented as he picked up what the stand user was saying.

"Oh don't lie to me you pathetic waste of oxygen, I know you work for Aramis and I know he sent you out to kill me," She angrily said teleporting behind Polnareff. Polnareff caught on to what she was doing and sent Silver Chariot behind him, slashing onto Honey Lavender. The purple stand screamed in pain and backed away from Polnareff.

"Wait you know Aramis? We're trying to get to kill him! Not work for him," Jotaro groaned, slowly getting up from the floor. Honey Lavender stopped in it's tracks and looked up. Both other men did too and blood was falling off of the roof.

"So you were hiding in the roof," Jotaro said using Star Platinum to break it down. Soon enough, the female stand user fell as the roof crashed above them. She was covered in scars and blood as it leaked everywhere. Turns out, she fell unconscious. Jotaro and Polnareff looked at each other and turned to look back at her. "We have to bring her to your house, she may have the answers to Aramis," Jotaro remarked running towards her. Polnareff lifted her up and carried her. Both men ran away from the building and made their way to Polnareff's house.


Thanks to FubukiGaia for letting me use Ahe Kekoa (Honey Lavender)! We're gonna see more of her and two other readers stands which is pretty epic ngl.

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