Part 29

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"Wow... Look at the view," Kakyoin said in astonishment. He had his face and hand pressed against the window and was looking down at the small lights and buildings that were under him. Jotaro looked out and too, admired the beautiful view that laid in front of his eyes.

Jotaro's eyes slowly started drifting towards Kakyoin, getting ever so slightly away from the window. He stared at the back of his head, paying close attention to every little string of hair. Soon, his eyes started moving towards his side profile. He took a look at his cherry shaped earrings and cracked a small smile.

Kakyoin felt shivers go down his spine as he felt the sharp feeling of eyes being shot at him. He turned around and found a smiling Jotaro staring at him.

"That was the scariest shit I've ever laid my eyes on. A smiling Jotaro staring daggers at me? No thank you," He snickered at Jotaro, falling back down on his seat, now away from the window he was admiring the view out of a few seconds ago.

Jotaro shook himself back into reality and fell back into his seat as well.

"Well, what was it? Do I have something on me? A few crumbs left?" Kakyoin asked, looking at himself in the reflection of the window, inspecting his face closely. Jotaro shook his head and tried brushing the subject aside but Kakyoin wouldn't budge.

"Don't worry about it. I was just looking at the view..." Jotaro mumbled. Kakyoin gave him a smirk and proudly pressed a hand against his own chest.

"Did Jotaro goddamn Kujo just say that he was looking at me, the view?" He evilly smiled at him. Jotaro gave him a push and crossed his arms.

"Don't smile like that, you remind me of when you had that flesh bud insect thing on your forehead, it wasn't the best of sights, to be honest with you," Jotaro mumbled back at him. Kakyoin grinned and put a hand on Jotaro's shoulder.

"Don't worry about me Jotaro, you know I'm only playing with you," He reminded him. Jotaro nodded and pushed his hat down, trying to get some rest.

"But I am your best view right?" Kakyoin whispered. Jotaro gave him a look and covered his face, whispering a small "Yes,". Kakyoin patted him on the back in victory and turned to look out the window once again. He placed both hands in his pockets and let out a sigh as thoughts went through and out his head.

He thought of what life would be like once Jotaro and the others were gone. Will he ever meet other stand users? Will he continue to live the same life? He wasn't sure of what to do. He knew his parents would freak out once they heard the news that their baby boy was alive. He knew that after that, they wouldn't let him go anywhere by himself without any supervision, even if he was seventeen. They wouldn't let him live a "normal" life anymore. His parents wouldn't want to lose him again, which is understandable with any parent. He continued to take deep breaths and sighs as his thoughts continued.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kakyoin turned around and locked eyes with Jotaro's ocean blue ones. Jotaro was sitting back on his seat and decided to move a bit closer to Kakyoin in worry.

"You look like you're stressing over something," Jotaro pointed out. He then pointed a finger towards Kakyoin's legs.

"You're nervous about something aren't you?" He asked, noticing how he kept on fidgeting around.

"I thought you were trying to sleep?" Kakyoin asked, stopping his leg from bouncing around. Jotaro shrugged at him and continued to press the issue.

"I'm just thinking about, y'know, trying to adjust back to a somewhat normal life, after all that we've been through. It's gonna be hard. A few days ago- I mean, months for you, I learned about other people who are like me. Then to be separated from all of that that I've learned? And then I died? It's still all so hard to wrap my head around," He groaned out, touching his head with both of his hands in an attempt to soothe his mind from jumping to any more thoughts.

Jotaro stared blankly at him and turned to look at the ground.

"I feel like it was my fault you died. Believe me when I tell you I couldn't move on. With each passing day, it just hurt more to think, to know, that I wasn't there to help you and the old man. You ended up dealing with my mistake," Jotaro whispered, loud enough for only Kakyoin to hear. Kakyoin laid in silence, closely listening to each and every word Jotaro had to say.

Once Jotaro was finally done, Kakyoin reassured him that what he had done was not his fault.

"People make choices. Some people decide to act on them, while others don't. I made the choice to sacrifice myself for all of your well-being, and I stuck with it, I didn't back out, and because of that, you were able to defeat Dio. At the end of the day, I'm here, we're all alive and well. Nothing is your fault," He told him. Jotaro listened to him and gave him a simple nod in agreement. They both laid in silence for a few minutes before both falling asleep against each other without even noticing.


Jotaro woke up to the bright light of the sky beaming down on him. He realized that it was now daytime, and were approximately a half an hour early before landing. He turned to look next to him and found Kakyoin already wide awake, munching on airplane food. He looked down at his food and offered Jotaro some. Jotaro shook his head and readjusted himself in his seat.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Asked Jotaro in annoyance as he continued to readjust his hat on his head. Kakyoin gave him a look of disbelief and proceeded to give himself a facepalm.

"You really expected me to wake you up? You do remember what you did to me last time I woke you up from your "good" nap right? You flung me across the room with Star Platinum and proceeded to go back to sleep. I am not risking you throwing me out this window and sending me flying to another place," He sternly told him, taking a scoop of his food and placing it on his mouth.

Jotaro apologized and looked around. Most people were asleep or eating as well.

"We're almost landing," He said as he turned to look at his watch. Kakyoin nodded and finished his food.

Finally, after a few minutes, both boys got off the plane and took in a deep fresh breath.

"Geez does it feel good to be back," Jotaro let out in a deep breath.

Both boys were walking around the airport, got their suitcases, a few bags of food, and exited the airport. They roamed around and found a cheap hotel they both could crash at. Once they were settled in, Jotaro picked up the nearest phone and called his grandfather.

"Hello?" A voice on the other line asked.

"Old man? Hey, we both made it well and alive, what about you guys?" Jotaro told his grandfather as he took a seat on his bed.

Silence. There was a long pause.

"Gramps? Are you there?" Asked Jotaro, now filled with concern, but not showing it. Kakyoin walked up to him and even sensed the long pause of silence and started to worry.

"We crashed like we always do... but someone didn't make it this time," Joseph slowly grumbled, his voice filled with sadness. Jotaro's eyes dropped to the ground, demanding an answer.

"Was it a stand attack? What happened? Who died?" Jotaro asked in a frantic. He started yelling nonsense, forcing Kakyoin to calm him down.. After he was settled, Joseph answered.

"No, just a few malfunctions, but big enough to cause the plane to crash. It was, it was Polnareff... who didn't make it," He told them, voice cracking once in a while. Jotaro wanted to throw the phone out the window in anger and sadness, but Kakyoin calmed him down enough before he pulled any sort of stunt.

"Polnareff... I see," He said, throat hurting from holding in his tears and sadness. Kakyoin heard about Polnareff and also tried pulling back his tears from falling, sadly failing in doing so, tears falling down and hitting Jotaro's uniform, which only led to Jotaro letting out his own tears.


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