Part 9

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"What took you guys so long? Are you both alright?" Joseph groaned getting up from his bed. He held his head with his artificial hand as a sharp pain struck him. Jotaro ran up to him and sat Joseph back down.

"Old man, sit back down. You don't have the strength to even be walking around. You have to rest for a bit. You broke some bones remember? Or are you finally beginning to lose your memory?" Jotaro let out as he sat his grandfather down. Joseph looked at his grandson with an annoyed expression. "I'm just trying to go to the bathroom," He said brushing Jotaro away.

"Polnareff, go take him to the bathroom, i'm not trying to be in the same room this old man takes a piss in," He scoffed exiting the room, only leaving Polnareff and Joseph by themselves.

"What's up with him? He seems more pissed than usual," Joseph asked with a concerned tone in his voice as he stared at Jotaro leaving the room. Both men turned to look at each other and just shrugged. They didn't know what was going on with Jotaro.

Once Jotaro exited the room he walked back towards the living room, where Polnareff had the group picture hung up. The boy sat down on the frenchmen's couch and sighed. His eyes wondered off, looking at every little detail in the picture.

I miss them... the fun times we had... the pain we all went through together... god... what can I do to bring them back... Aramis won't show himself... i'm pretty sure that bastard knows i'm after him. I think I made it pretty obvious. These past few days... I've been distracted. I almost died for gods sake. I've been really careless now haven't I. Come on Kujo... you have to pull it together.

"You okay down there?" Said a voice behind Jotaro. The dark haired boy turned to look behind him and saw Polnareff staring down at him. "Yeah i'm fine."

Polnareff started walking towards Jotaro and took a seat next to him. "Jotaro, we're gonna catch that son of a bitch. That's one thing i'll promise you. We're gonna get him. Then, we'll bring them back. I'm sure of it." Polnareff reassured Jojo as he laid his hand on Jojo's shoulder. Jojo nodded and turned to look at Polnareff.

"Polnareff... In order to defeat him, we have to understand his power. So, what we know is that he somehow gave the illusion that your sister was there right? Right with you?" Jotaro asks. Polnareff sighed and shook his head.

"No Jojo. She WAS there. It wasn't an illusion, I swear it wasn't. I touched her with my own hands. She was real. That's how I know he has the ability to bring back people. He may only bring them back for a short time, but I know he does. Please believe me." Polnareff let out with a serious tone. Polnareff only wanted Jotaro to believe him. One of his best friends. He needed him to believe him, even if he sounded crazy.

"Alright, I believe you. So, Aramis can bring back dead people and use them against us. He knows we have a soft spot for whichever deceased person we think of. Then, once we're vulnerable... is the time he strikes. How are we going to defeat him. He's so confusing. Ugh, my mind is so full right now. I need a break." Jotaro whispered as he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with a match. He raised the cigarette to his mouth and puffed out the smoke he inhaled.

"Look. He's going to make us kill whoever we see Jotaro. That's why I ran away in the first place, remember? I just couldn't dare to kill another image of Sherry. But look at this, once I pushed her away from the battle, Aramis didn't even seem bothered. He did take this as a chance to see who I thought of however. He started to turn himself into her because he knew I wouldn't dare to hurt the illusion he turned himself into, but thats how we get him. We take him by surprise. I have to face my fears." Polnareff said with determination as he explained his experience.

"That's how we get that son of a bitch. We have to mentally prepare ourselves. First, we have to push the person away from the battle once they rise and let them know to not interfere, Aramis doesn't seem to care if we do. But if they help us attack, they'll die. Next, he'll turn himself into an image of that person, but we have to stay strong and keep in mind that he's Aramis and not the person we see. That's our plan Polnareff. If we ever encounter him out of surprise, that's our strategy, go let the old man know." Jotaro smiles with confidence. He figured out a way to bring back Kakyoin. That's all that mattered to him right now. He couldn't wait. The thought of Kakyoin being alive and well was such a thrill to him. Polnareff got up and ran towards Joseph's room.

"Jeez is that bastard confusing, but I think we cracked the code to his stand. Once we get to him, we'll have the upper hand in this one for sure," He said. He turned his head upwards and took another look at the picture. He took one look at Kakyoin and smiled.

"I'm gonna get you back. I promise." Jotaro said, walking towards Joseph's room.


Sorry this chapter was a bit boring, I kinda just wanted to go a little bit more in depth with how the crusaders were going to stop the big bad in this story. Next chapter will be more entertaining however, (or so I hope) since i'll be introducing some of your guys' stands.

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