Part 30

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"How are the others dealing with it..." He quietly sobbed, trying to hide the pain in his voice, just waiting for his grandfather to reply. Even Kakyoin was waiting anxiously for his answer.

"You should hear it for yourself," Joseph mumbled, passing the phone to another person.

Jotaro and Kakyoin laid in silence in tears, just waiting for them to speak up.

"A tragedy Jotaro. A tragedy I tell you. It was so heartbreaking to see. Oh, and could you say hi to Kakyoin for me?" A way too familiar voice said.


"Polnareff you son of a bitch, when I get there I'm cutting off your ugly looking stupid-ass haircut," Jotaro yelled at the phone. Everyone in the background started laughing at Jotaro's reaction, causing Jotaro, who was now filled with anger, to hang up on them in an instant. Once he did so, he wiped his tears away and turned to face Kakyoin, who was also filled with anger and dry tears.

"The... fucking... audacity that they have to pull this sort of prank on us I-, I don't have any words-" Kakyoin muttered out in disbelief.




Jotaro hesitatingly picked up the phone and answered, only to hear their continuous laughter was dying down through the other line. This time Avdol was heard lecturing them hard that it was an extremely rude prank to do on a pretty much-traumatized teenager who had to witness his friends deaths.

"Hey Jotaro, I seriously apologize on behalf of all of them. They clearly still act like five year old children when they're all fully grown adults," Avdol responded as he picked up the phone.

Jotaro, although still pissed off, accepted his apology.

"Give Polnareff and gramps a warning because hell's gonna break loose once I land over there," Jotaro angrily warned. Avdol simply nodded and even encouraged Jotaro to teach them a lesson.

They exchanged news that they were all doing well and soon enough, hung up. Jotaro fell back on the single bed in the room in exhaustion and closed his eyes, taking in how good it felt to know that his friends were alright and safe. Kakyoin got up from the corner of the bed and sat next to where Jotaro was laying.

"Today is our last day together... want to spend it doing something fun?" Asked Kakyoin, in hope of Jotaro agreeing. Jotaro turned his body around to face him and gave him a nod of agreement.

"Sure, but can I at least get a ten minute nap? Airplanes suck. It's not that comfortable," Jotaro asked as he buried his face in a pillow, his hat falling off his head. Kakyoin smiled at the sight in front of him and picked up his hat from the bed.

"Sure I guess, but you better get your ass moving or else i'll leave without you," He snickered, placing the hat on top of his cherry red hair adjusting it slowly.

"Give that back, I know you took it," Jotaro muffled out the pillow as he pointed towards Kakyoin's direction without even having to look up once.

"How did you-"

"We are one in the same, give it," Demanded Jotaro. Kakyoin huffed in response and took it off, throwing it at Jotaro's direction. 

"Thank you," He thanked as he took it and placed it back on his head. Kakyoin shook his head at Jotaro's actions and laid down on the opposite side of the bed, slowly closing his eyes in doing so. Both boys soon enough started to slowly begin to fall asleep in each other's presence.


"Holy fuck, Kakyoin, wake up,"


"Kakyoin, get your lazy ass up,"

"Fuck off,"



"Wake up,"


"Alright, fine, have it your way," Jotaro said while holding his hands up in a defensive manner. He walked towards the opposite side of the room, picked up a book, and sat down on a chair, taking a sip of his coffee he had prepared for himself.

"Wait what time is it?" Groaned the other boy, his voice still a bit groggy from his sleep.

"It's already nighttime, we missed the entire day, I have to get you to your parents house soon," Jotaro answered back.

Kakyoin woke up in and instance at this and rushed to check the nearest clock.

"Oh fuck you Jotaro, really? Not even thirty minutes have passed," Kakyoin groaned, giving Jotaro the middle finger. Jotaro grinned and gave him the same finger as he took another small sip. Kakyoin walked towards Jotaro and snatched the cup of coffee in his hand. He took a giant gulp of coffee and handed it to him back, burping in the process.

"What the hell is wrong with you I-,"

"A few too many things Jotaro, a few too many..." Kakyoin replied back, grabbing his temporary glasses off of a stool and placing them on his face, covering the scars on his eyes.

"Plus, you deserved it," He grinned as he walked out the room. Jotaro let out a smile and put the book that was in his hands away, putting on his uniform on once again.

"While you were still sleeping, I ended up spotting a small american based carnival, I thought we should check it out," Jotaro said, walking out the room and spotting Kakyoin in the living room, kneeling down while digging around some bags.

"A carnival? That sounds fun, we should go," Kakyoin said, still digging around the bags. Jotaro gave him a confused look before he finally took out a bag he had hidden.

"What's in the bag?" Jotaro asked with curiosity, kneeling down with him. Kakyoin gave him a smirk and pulled out a few pieces of american candy.

"What is it with you guys taking Polnareff's candy?" Jotaro asked in confusion. Kakyoin shrugged and plopped a few pieces in his mouth.

"You do know I can send you as many bags of candy that you want? Just give me the brand and you got it," He told Kakyoin. He stopped munching on his candy and turned to look at Jotaro, a look of realization written all across his face.

"Who cares, Polnareff is now living with you guys, he can try as many brands of candy that he wants, I on the other hand am a different story," He replied, continuing to eat the candy.

"It's not even good. It's so sweet... or too sour," He said in a tone of disgust. Kakyoin stopped him mid-walk and shook his head at him.

"Now see, that's what makes it good and different Jotaro. You lack good taste,"

"Really?" Jotaro smirked, crossing his arms together and staring at Kakyoin. Kakyoin nodded and turned around, heading for the door.

Jotaro was surprised Kakyoin didn't even catch up to what he had said, considering he was the smart one from the duo.

"Hurry up, you drag," Kakyoin yelled. Jotaro shook his head and walked after Kakyoin.

"This should be fun," He mumbled, looking at the boy next to him.

Where are all these updates coming from 😩✊🏻

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