Chapter 21

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~~~~~~~HAILEYS POV~~~~~~~

I woke up and started to upload my video. Today was our last day in Nashville so I put my MacBook and phone on a charger and got ready for the day.

I threw on my gray/navy and white Aztec crop top and light washed shorts, and some converse, then put on my white cardigan.

I lastly put on my choker (necklace don't freak out) and then I applied some bb cream, and winged out my eyeliner, put on some mascara, and put on my baby lips (if you don't know what it is, it's lip balm).

I straightened my hair then made a waterfall braid down the side. I grabbed my bag and texted Tay if he wanted to get some breakfast at IHop which was down the street. He said yes and we met at the door of IHop.

"Hey bae," I smiled. "Heyyyy," he said and side hugged me. We walked in and ordered our breakfast. after breakfast we walked out and there were some fans. They were taking pictures of me and Taylor holding hands.

"Oh my god it's Tailey!" One cried. "Can we please take a picture with y'all!" Another cried. "Of course!" I said. We took pictures with the girls and just talked with them.

As more fans came we decided that it was time to go. We said bye and walked back into the hotel. Everyone was in the lobby taking pictures with the fans as we were about to go.

"Hey can you come with me to get my phone real quick?" I asked Taylor. He nodded and we ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse.

I got all my stuff ready in my suitcases because when we came back we wouldn't have a lot of time to pack. I finished and we met all the guys+ mahogany in the limo.

I tweeted, " Heading to the event! Last day in Nashville:( but make sure you come say hi because I want to see as many of you as I can! Love y'all😘." We got to the event and the fans were behind the barricades outside. We walked in and warmed up.

~>~>~>~>~>~> after event~>~>~>~>~>

We got back to the hotel and me and Taylor were in my room. Nash and Hayes just finished packing up and went downstairs. I was so happy. Everything is perfect now. Everyone is happy. No drama. No tears.

Until this happened.

I got a phone call and looked at the caller ID. It was my mom and I answered it. Taylor mouthed ' I'll meet you downstairs.' I nodded and he left.

H: Hey mom! How are you?

M: *sniffles*

H: mom? What happened?!

M: *crys harder*


M: it's your grandpa..

H: WHAT?! Which one *tears in eyes*

It could either be grandpa Jack (dad's side) or grandpa George (moms side)

M: Grandpa Jack *barely managing to let out*

You know how when you break glass it makes that big shattering sound? That's what I just heard. But it wasn't glass, it was my heart. And I felt it. Grandpa Jack was the only one who could make me smile during my dad's death. They were so similar.

Which was the only person I had closest to my father. I fell on my knees and cried. I covered my mouth with my hands and tried to keep reminding myself to breath. Which was terribly hard at the moment.

H: what happened? *crying*

M: Hailey he had a heart attack. They are trying everything they can to keep him alive. He's in terrible condition and it is so scary. *crying*

H: So everything's going to be okay right? (I hoped) *sniffles*

M: honey, he has a 15% chance of living. *crying even more*

H: no! This can't be happening. no please tell me that this is just a nightmare! *crying even harder*

M: *crying, crying, and more crying*

H: *crying, crying, and more crying*

M: Hails please don't do anything to hurt yourself. I will keep you up with all the details. I promise baby.

H: I am coming.

M: but you're on tour. I know how much that means to you.

H: I don't give a shit about that right now. Grandpa is way more important.

M: okay. Ask Bart and text me what happens. I love you so much Hailey. Hope to see you soon.

H: okay bye mom love you too

M: bye baby

I hung up and cried harder. I put my MacBook, its charger, my phone, and it's charger in my backpack and made sure I had everything. I turned off all the lights and walked out the door.

I walked to the elevator while still crying. When I got downstairs, I got in the limo. I tried to wipe my tears but more fell.

"Yay let's go- Hailey what happened?!" Taylor freaked out. I ran into his arms and cried harder. I couldn't let go or I would fall onto the floor. I felt like I had no strength in me anymore.

Everyone was freaking out and asking what happened. When I finally gathered the strength to talk I said, " My grandpa is in the hospital because of a heart attack. And has only a 15% chance of living. I want to go home. I need to see him" I continued to cry.

"Bart is already at the airport so talk to him when we land in Texas," Nash said. "Okay," I said back and everyone sat down. The limo started driving and I rested my head on Taylor's shoulder. We got to the airport and went into the plane. I sat next to Taylor and fell asleep.


Taylor woke me up and we landed. When we got our things at the baggage claim, we crammed into the van. While we were in our way to the hotel, I was trying to think of what I was going to say to Bart.

We arrived at the hotel and went onto our floor. "Excuse me Bart may I speak to you?" I asked. "Yeah sure what is it?" He replied and we stepped into a room. "I need to fly back to Cali," I said nervously.

"Now?" He asked. "Yeah," I replied. "No," he said. "No?" I asked. "Yeah I said no," he said getting irritated. "And why?" I said back getting aggravated.

"Because we are on tour and you can't just leave right in the middle of it," he said in a stern tone. "Okay let me tell you something. My grandpa is in the fucking hospital and has a fucking 15% chance of living. If you tell me that I can't fucking go, then I'll quit." I said pissed.

"Okay I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm so sorry I hope he gets better and I hope you have a safe flight. Just text me when you're coming back so I can pay for a hotel room and plane ticket for you," he said back nicely. "Thanks and yeah, I will," I said and walked to my room.

I opened the door and saw Taylor sitting on the bed. "Hey bestie what did he say?" He asked. "Well first he said no and then he said yes!" I said. "That's good! Now we should buy tickets for the plane," he said excitedly. "We?" I asked. "Honey you ain't going alone. I'm coming with you," he said in a ratchet tone. "Okay boo boo," I giggled back in a ratchet tone also.


Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter and I love all of y'all so much thanks for reading! I still am in shock for having 1000+ reads! It's so crazy! Thanks to everyone who is reading and voting. I really appreciate it! Stay tuned until the next chapter! Thanks!

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