01; cobbled bricks & orchid walls

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Taehyung view

Taehyung sighed happily as he woke up. It was becoming close to winter but the sky hadnt dulled yet in colour; It was still bright and sunny and the sun rays shone through the curtains unleashed. Taehyung blinked his sleep away. He was happy  because today was his first day at his new job.

He applied as a secretary for a CEO of the phone company samsung. He got out of bed, feet sliding in his minnie mouse slippers as he pattered to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

The brunette smiled as he stepped outside into the fresh air. He hugged his coat to his body to get more warmth and his bag was held tightly to his chest. The sun feels so nice. Unfortunately, taehyung hadnt got his drivers license yet meaning he had to take public transport.

He was on his way to the bus station but stopped in his tracks when he saw an old lady struggling to carry her heavy bags. Quickly, taehyung ran up to her, smiling kindly.

"let me help you with that ma'am." taehyung offered sweetly as he grabbed the bags off the old lady who smiled gratefully at him.

"do you live far from here?" taehyung asked as he walked beside the lady.

"no...just a few minutes away." she meekly replied.

They both ended up in a small street, loads of flats occupating the area. "here you go." taehyung smiled as he handed the grandma her bags.

"thank you sweetie." she thanked the boy, using all her strenghth to give taehyung a big smile. Taehyung bowed in reply and checked the time, he still had five minutes to make it in time for his bus.

He left the small street and looked around. To his left and right the street turned into little alley ways and the main roads were no where in sight. Taehyung frowned and turned around in circles, he turned left and trudged down the secluded alley way hoping it would lead him to the main road.

Which way did we come from? Taehyung bit his lip nervously when he realised he was lost. His bus must have gone by now so he'd have to wait half an hour for another one. Great, of course this happens on my first day. He whined internally.

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