09; mario cart & normal kidnappers

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Taehyung view

After the terrible incident, taehyung was literally ordered by jeongguk to rest in bed for a whole week. His black eye gradually got better and his other bruises faded away. This morning however taehyung was delighted he could finally stop resting.

He jumped out of bed, an actual smile on his face. He got used to things quickly, he forgot the incident that took place and was slowly forgetting he was kidanapped because everyone over here was too nice to him except for jeongguk.

But then again how could he ever forget he was kidanapped? Taken away from his home, life. But they werent like normal kidanappers, they werent torturing him at all and they were so friendly.

Jeongguk wasnt that bad to taehyung anymore. He didnt touch him harmfully in any way and didnt yell at him either- only spoke sternly to him.

Taehyung did miss his mom and his friends, he thought about them every night but he was starting to actually feel comfortable in this mansion.


Jeongguk view

"have you thought about what i said?" seokjin asked jeongguk.

The man sighed and put down his pen. "yes i have seokjin."

"so you're going to do it right?" seokjin asked hopefully.

Jeongguk was going to hire taehyung to work for him.

"yes i am seokjin." jeongguk sighed yet again.

Taehyung was going to be his secretary with an actual pay.

Seokjin squealed and clapped his hands. "he'll no longer be a hostage then! He'll be working for you!" he said happily.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "he's still here against his will." he grumbled.

"whatever. I have to tell yoongi." seokjin skipped off to find the mint haired man and bless him with his great news. All he wanted to do was help taehyung.

Jeongguk went back to his work again until he heard a little knock on the door. It opened and his eyes landed on taehyungs cute fluffy hair peeking through the gap before he showed his whole face. Jeongguk raised a brow, watching the boy take shy steps towards him as he fiddled with his fingers.

"why are you here?" jeongguk asked, full attention on taehyung.

The boy stood there, cheeks red. "i-i was bored." he mumbled.

"so you came here to have fun?" jeongguk asked amused, small smile playing on his lips before it quickly disappeared.

Taehyung bit his lip and looked away, shrugging his shoulders. "uhm yes?" he muttered unsurely, indirectly asking for jeongguks permission.

"well." jeongguk sighed. "help yourself." he raised a brow in confusion.

Taehyung smiled widely, confusing jeongguk for a bit because he thought the younger boy was scared of him. He leaned back in his chair and watched taehyung sit on the couch as he looked around the room.

"you're not scared to be in here with me?" jeongguk asked, eyes intense.

Taehyung looked at him in shock for a bit, before smiling faintly. He shook his head. "not really." he wasnt scared at all, he knew jeongguk wouldnt hurt him after that incident took place.

Jeongguk stared at him and taehyung was starting to find it awkward so he pulled out a phone from his pocket. Jeongguks brows furrowed. "where did you get that from?"

"j-jin hyung gave it to me to play with." taehyung smiled, happy he got to play some games he missed.

"what are you doing?" jeongguk asked, making sure taehyung wouldnt call the police like last time.

"m-mario kart." the boy mumbled, eyes focused on the game.

Jeongguk just nodded his head at the boy. "im working so dont make any noise." he ordered. Taehyung just nodded, leaving jeongguk to look at him unimpressed.

Why am i even letting him stay here? Why am i not getting angry at his company? Why cant i just kick him out?

Because you feel regret jeongguk. You regret what happened a week ago. You cant bring yourself to be mean to him now. Jeongguk just shook his head at his thoughts, angry that they were true.

An hour passed and taehyung was still glued to the phone whilst jeongguk was working on his laptop. Taehyung squealed when he was winning in the game causing jeongguk to glare at him annoyed.

"taehyung."  he said his name as a warning.

"s-sorry." the boy mumbled briefly before playing again.

Seokjin then walked through the door and jeongguk glanced at him. "why are you here? Are you bored too?" he asked with little patience running through his body.

"no i need my phone back." Seokjin gave jeongguk a weird look. "tae sweetie, can i have my phone?" he asked the boy kindly.

Taehyung pouted at him. "but i-im winning hyungie." he whined.

"i need to phone someone very important. I can give it to you later."

Taehyung sighed sadly and nodded his head. "here you go." he mumbled. Seokjin patted his head and thanked him before leaving.

Taehyung sat up and was staring at jeongguk.

Jeongguk felt the stare and pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking to taehyung. "disturb me again and you're out of this room. What do you want?" he threatened.

"c-can i play on your phone?" taehyung asked shyly, big eyes looking at jeongguk hopefully.

The man sighed, scowl on his face as he threw his phone to taehyung who caught it happily. "thank you jeongguk!" he smiled widely as he began to install mario cart again.

"shut up and let me work now." jeongguk growled. Just how much regret do you feel that its enough to let him play on your phone??


Do you play mario kart? I used to love the nintendo version

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