38; books & burglaries

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Jeongguk view

"what do you mean someone broke in? where were the guards?" Jeongguk scowled.

"passed out on the floor." yoongi sighed, ashamed at his own answer.

"are they dead?" Jeongguk asked.

"no, sir." yoongi replied.

"then fire them." Jeongguk growled.

Yoongi nodded. "yes sir."

"how bad is the damage?" Jeongguk sighed.

"fixable. three machines are completely gone, though."

Jeongguk nodded. "okay. i'll visit the casino later and see for myself."

"what are my orders?" yoongi asked.

"check how much money was stolen. you're free after that to train." Jeongguk said.

Yoongi nodded, then bowed. "yes sir." he answered before leaving the room.

As he left, seokjin entered with a large smile, making Jeongguk groan.

"get out." Jeongguk grunted.

Seokjin grinned wider. "nuh uh. i have questions."

"if they are irrelevant, leave."

"is tae considered irrelevant?" seokjin raised a brow.

"of course not." Jeongguk said.

"then let me talk." seokjin rolled his eyes and Jeongguk growled from the disrespect.

"first, how was valentines day?" seokjin smirked.


"what did you and tae do?"


"romantic stuff?"


"and you bought him a gift?"


"what was it?"

"its not your buisness."

"did you have, uh, intercourse?"

"what do you think?" Jeongguk smirked.

Seokjin gasped. "you did!?"

Jeongguk sighed. "please get out while im asking nicely."

"dont you ever consider me as a friend?" seokjin huffed.

"never." Jeongguk stated.

"well you need to socialise."

"i do."

"you have no friends."

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