27; raindrops & post it notes

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Jeongguk and taehyung view

Both were still hugging on the floor, jeongguk had stopped crying some time ago and was now comforting taehyung who still hasnt calmed down from his sobs.

The boys body turned limp and jeongguk was hoisting him up in his arms. Taehyung was weakly holding onto jeongguks clothes and his face was still positioned into the crook of jeongguks neck.

Jeongguk was rubbing taehyungs back comfortingly, occasionally whispering calming phrases in his ear to get the boy to stop crying.

Then after a few moments taehyungs sobs slowly stopped. He pulled his face away with a big sniffle and jeongguk frowned seeing the boys red eyes.

Taehyung was looking at jeongguk with a pleading facial expression. "please—j-jeongguk those t-two weeks without— i-i couldnt—." he croaked out with his sore voice. His eyes were big and shiny with fresh tears and his bottom lip was quivering.

Taehyung looked down, fingers playing with jeongguks suit for a second before he looked up again. "y-you cant e-ever leave m-me like t-that again." the boy hiccuped, stray tear cascading down his flushed cheek.

Jeongguk gently wiped the tear with his thumb, then wrapped his arms around taehyung tighter as he pulled the boy closer. He nuzzled his face into the boys hair momentarily in silence then pulled back to look at the boy with seriousness.

"i'll never intentionally hurt you like that again, taehyung." jeongguk said. He paused, bringing taehyungs head to rest on his chest as he noticed he was visibly worn out. "but you have to understand that being here with me puts you in danger. There are people out there who want me gone, taehyung. I cant risk you getting hurt because of me." jeongguk let out a deep sigh.

"i-i dont care, jeongguk."  taehyung looked up at him with sincerity. "if i get hurt i-its not because of y-you—" taehyung let out a cough. he frowned, showing jeongguk he was serious.

Jeongguk looked at him. "i just dont want you to think im the bad guy. I want you safe at all costs." he muttered, pushing a strand of taehyungs hair away from his face.

"i would never think that." taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk gave him a small smile.

It was silent for a moment before taehyungs hesitant voice was heard.


"yes?" jeongguk frowned when taehyung looked away from him.

"do you...do you really uhm, l-love m-me? y-you said that b-before i left a-and—" taehyung asked shyly, cheeks reddening.

Jeongguk smiled. "yes. I do love you taehyung." he cut the boy off. Taehyung froze, eyes widening as he looked at jeongguk.

Taehyung let out a small breathy "oh", biting his thumb nail shyly which also hid his wide smile.

Jeongguk chuckled as he pulled taehyungs thumb away. "i know i sprung it on you, and you dont have to answer..."

He stopped talking when he heard little snores. Taehyung was fast asleep, body completely relying on jeongguks strength.

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