22; snow angels & crucial pain

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Jeongguk view

Taehyung had eventually fallen asleep on Jeongguks chest. It was eleven pm and Jeongguk actually had to fly to china for two days, his flight was at two am so he slowly untangled his arms from Taehyungs hold, replacing himself with a pillow instead.

He sighed as he opened the door, giving one last glance at the sleeping boy before he quietly left. Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair, supressing a loud groan.

He didnt know if he was allowed to have these feelings.

These feelings whenever he was with Taehyung, the feelings  for  Taehyung.

Jeongguk had never had these feelings before. You never could in the mafia world. Its seen as a weakness.

But jeongguk didnt care when it came to Taehyung.

So for now he let him have these feelings. Luckily he would be away from the boy for two days so at least he could have some time to think by himself.



Taehyung view

It was early in the morning and when Taehyung found out two days ago jeongguk had left he was actually quite... sad.

He didnt know he would feel sad, he thought he'd feel happy that jeongguk wasnt here to boss him around.

But something inside of him felt so empty.

He was sat in the kitchen, eating breakfast by himself since it was only six am. He didnt know himself why he was up so early.

Maybe because jeongguk would be back today?

Though all thoughts flew out of his head when he looked outside the window. Taehyung gasped loudly, running to the large glass window as he smushed his face against it. It was snowing heavily, and Taehyung even saw some settled on the ground from over night.

He was smiling widely as he rushed to grab the first coat he saw which happened to actually be very thin but Taehyung was too excited about the snow to care about his warmth.

He quickly unlocked the door, jumping outside as he stepped in the snow.

Snow was actually one of his favourite things. He loved december.

The boy squealed as snowflakes dropped onto his face and the two guards by the gate couldnt help but smile in affection from seeing the playful boy.

Taehyung giggled as he layed down on the ground making a snow angel. His fluffy brown hair sparkled with so many snowflakes and the tip of his nose turned scarlet already.

He got up, picking some snow off the floor as he threw it in the air with a loud laugh. He was sat on his bum, legs spread as he drew silly pictures in the snow in front of him.

Then when he saw the gate open and jeongguks car enter, he jumped up with a gasp, happy jeongguk was back.

"jeongguk!" taehyung giggled as he called for the older in excitement. Jeongguk got out of his car, smiling faintly when he saw taehyung play around with the snow.

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