35; babies & apologies

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Taehyung view

The next morning taehyung woke up with dry skin from his tear marks and red swollen eyes.

He checked the time and realised he had woken up late (something that would happen when he was really upset.)

slowly, he got out of bed and pattered over to the bathroom, hoping that by washing his face it wouldnt look like he cried himself to sleep.

Jeongguk view

Jeongguk, who (for the first time) was actually in his room and not his office at two pm, deeply regretted last night and how he let out his anger on taehyung. He also debated whether he should go and apologise straight away but he settled on giving the boy space.

He frustratedly tugged at his hair, hating how taehyung was upset. Of course he planned to apologise this morning but when he entered taehyungs room the boy was still asleep.

Instead he sighed and got up, heading downstairs to the kitchen, deciding to wait a little more.

But then he saw taehyung sitting at the counter, busy with spreading jam on his toast, oblivious to who had just entered the room.

He saw taehyung get up to grab a glass of water and when the boy did so, he saw jeongguk standing there.

Taehyung view

Taehyung stared at jeongguk, a little surprised until he looked away, gulping visibly.

Jeongguk looked helpless, not knowing how to address this situation.

"taehyung?" jeongguk called out.

Taehyungs eyes roamed the room, avoiding jeongguks gaze. "y-yeah?" he said ever so quietly.

"please look at me." jeongguk muttered, stepping closer.

Taehyung didnt flinch away luckily, not intimidated at all because jeongguks voice was so soft.

Instead he looked up hesitantly, teary eyes because he was hurt. Hurt jeongguk would raise his voice at him and treat him so harshly.

And jeongguk noticed the tears, internally cursing at himself.

"why did you—why did you y-yell at me?" taehyung mumbled, fiddling nervously with his fingers.

Jeongguk walked over to him and gently cupped the boys face in his big hands.

"im sorry i got angry at you. theres no excuse. i shouldnt have hurt you." jeongguk said with guilt.

Taehyung sniffled but didnt let the tears fall. "i was only s-stating a fact b-but you, but you-" his voice broke, remembering jeongguks scowling face.

"sh, i know. i know baby and im so sorry. i promise it will never happen again." jeongguk said, caressing taehyungs cheek to calm him down.

"are you sure?" taehyung mumbled, looking up at jeongguk with big eyes.

"you can hit me if it ever does happen." jeongguk smiled lightly.

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