05; secretary & a hostage

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Taehyung view

When Taehyung woke up this morning he realised the room that he was now staying in, was full with clothes and toiletries. He had everything he needed besides his own personal things and he still cried himself to sleep as all he could think about was his mom and his home- even his stuffed tiger plushy.

So again he woke up with swollen eyes and dry cheeks from his tear stains. He still got up with all his strength and his last strain of motivation. He took a shower, changing into clothes that were still too big for him.

"g'morning jin hyungie." Taehyung mumbled shyly when he greeted seokjin downstairs in the kitchen. Seokjin smiled widely at him.

"good morning taehyung! I made you an omelete today." he said, handing the plate to Taehyung.

Taehyung took a bite and looked up in surprise. "it's so tasty." he giggled lightly and proceeded to eat faster.

"eat slowly otherwise you'll choke." seokjin grimaced as he imagined the scene.

"morning." yoongi greeted as he appeared in the kitchen. "hi tae." he smiled and ruffled the boys hair and Taehyung smiled back at him. He looked at the two boys, features brightening as he was lucky they were kind to him in this hell hole he was a hostage in.

"up you get to jeons office now." yoongi said as taehyung finished his breakfast- immediately the boys face saddened.

"I dont wanna." he shook his head with a pout, wanting to stay with seokjin where he was safe.

Yoongi looked at him sympathetically. "c'mon, before we get punished for being late." he said.

Jeongguk view

Jeongguk was working on his laptop when he called for taehyung. He scowled at his watch as he checked the time, angry taehyung was already late. He sighed when he heard a knock on the door.

"come in." he replied with his rough voice.

Taehyung walked in by himself and jeongguk spotted yoongi leaving. He silently beckoned taehyung to come forward and the boy obediently did so, not wanting to put himself in a difficult situation.

"everyday i want you here 8 am sharp. Disobey me once and there will be consequences. Do i make myself clear?" jeongguk spoke with authority, eyes examining taehyung.

"yes sir." taehyung said.

"you were a secretary anyway so you should be fine handling orders." jeongguk sighed.

Taehyung looked at him in shock.

Jeongguk noticed and smirked. "i did my research on you." suddenly jeongguk remembered something he read about taehyung causing him to frown. Taehyung noticed and tilted his head to the side, confused.

"bring me coffee. Now." jeongguk just scowled and went to sit at his desk again.

Taehyung stumbled in his steps. He walked to the kitchen, not even knowing how jeongguk liked his coffee but luckily he ran in to seokjin. "how does jeongguk like his coffee hyungie?"

"two table spoons of coffee, teaspoon of sugar." seokjin grimaced. "very bitter."

Taehyung nodded his head, agreeing. He made the coffee like a robot and seokjin eyed him softly, watching him go back with slow steps.

Taehyung slowly placed the cup onto jeongguks desk. The older glanced at him before bringing the mug to his lips, taking a quick sip.

When he did so, his face scrunched up into distaste and he threw the mug onto the floor, hearing it smash into small peices. The liquid spilt everywhere and some landed on taehyungs leg causing him to gasp from the slight burn. He looked at jeongguk with teary eyes and saw how the male was extremely angry.

Jeongguks brows furrowed and he glared at taehyung. "Do you not know how to make simple coffee?!" he yelled and taehyung bit his lip, head lowering.

Taehyung view

Dont cry. Dont cry. Dont cry.

"i'm s-sorry sir." he mumbled. I must have put a tablespoon of sugar instead.

"clean that up and bring me another cup." jeongguk sighed frustratedly.

Taehyung quickly nodded his head, he left and made the coffee correctly this time, his shaky hands slowly setting the cup down. Jeongguk ignored him as the boy went to get some cloth to clean up the coffee on the floor.

He was crouched under the table and he had to force his lips shut to stop himself from choking out the sob that was at the back of his throat. He furiously rubbed the cloth on the floor, a few tears escaping his eyes and dropping onto his hand.

"what are you doing?" taehyung heard jeongguks voice.

He quickly stood up, tripping in his steps a little before he composed himself. "i-i was cleaning the mess sir." he said.

"and that takes you five whole minutes?" jeongguk raised a brow.

Taehyung didnt say anything and sheepishly looked down. He heard jeongguk sigh.

"take this to jimin. You're done for the day." jeongguk handed him a file.

Taehyung frowned. Ive only made him coffee..?

Jeongguk looked up irritated from his laptop. "go." he growled.

Taehyung hurriedly took the file and scurried out of the room, leaving jeongguk to eye him unimpressed before just shaking his head.


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