36; cottages & kingdoms

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Taehyung and jeongguk view

After eating dinner, Taehyung and jeongguk were cuddling on the bed.

And Taehyung was still babysitting.

He had the baby on his lap (he found out his name is eunseom) and Taehyung was showing him some cartoons to watch.

Meanwhile jeongguk just held taehyung, also scrolling on his phone.

Taehyung laughed when eunseom started kicking his legs in excitement, little gurgles leaving his mouth. The brunette leaned forward so he could play more comfortably with the baby but jeongguk groaned at the loss of warmth from taehyungs body.

"tae, cant seokjin babysit him now?" jeongguk asked, annoyed because taehyung wasnt giving him attention.

"but gguk i wanna play with eunseomie! hes so adorable." taehyung replied.

"you've been playing with him all day. when is seokjin taking him back?" jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"he said later tonight." taehyung said.

Eunseom suddenly giggled and looked at taehyung with a smile making the older boy squeal. Taehyung pinched the babys cheeks. he couldnt get enough.

Jeongguk watched the interaction with a fond smile before he pulled taehyung against him again.

Taehyung smiled up at jeongguk, shyly placing a kiss on the mans cheek. Jeongguk was a little surprised before he returned the gesture by pecking taehyungs lips.

Then he felt uncomfortable when eunseom was staring at him. He shifted in his place, clearing his throat as he looked at taehyung.

"he's staring at me." jeongguk stated.

Taehyung giggled. "play with him." he suggested.

"no." jeongguk said.

Taehyung pouted. "at least hold him once."

Jeongguk sighed and looked back at eunseom. "fine." he said.

Taehyung gasped and he picked eunseom up, slowly crawling out from jeongguks grasp to sit opposite him and then he handed him the baby.

Jeongguk took eunseom confidently, supporting the babys head and he looked down at the baby with a frown.

"it's still staring at me." jeongguk said. Eunseom had a big smile on his face.

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